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The Highest Form Of Persuasion Revealed - Articles Surfing

Influence is a key element in mastering the techniques of Magnetic Persuasion. Influence is the highest form of persuasion. With influence, people are spurred on to action because of your character, not your maneuvers. Persuasion is what you do or say, but influence is who you are.

How does one gain this type of influence? How do you gain a strong enough influence over people that they will act simply because an idea came from you? How about having a strong enough influence over people that they are still compelled to move forward even when you're not around?

Presence is the ability to empower and influence others into believing in you, trusting in you, and jumping on the bandwagon. You give them the energy they need to bring to pass the results you want. You help them see themselves in the future carrying out your vision. They become excited and energized by your passion and enthusiasm. They are magnetized and motivated by your charisma. They are lifted and inspired by your optimism and expectations. In essence, you're a source of empowerment, encouragement, inspiration, and permanency to them.

For some, charisma is a mysterious attribute. It's challenging to describe someone who exudes charisma because there's really no way to quantify the effect this kind of person seems to have on others. It seems that you either have charisma or you don't. Charisma is not leadership, assertiveness, or enthusiasm and it's not exactly personality either. It's its own unique characteristic. Charisma empowers others to like you, even if they don't know much about you and even when there hasn't been enough time to develop trust in you. If you have charisma, not only do people want to be around you, but, whether they realize it or not, they also want to be influenced by you. Charisma gives you power, allegiance, and devotion with your audience, without leaving them feeling powerless and it creates instant support. So, are you born with charisma or is it learned? The answer to both questions is yes! Some attributes are inherent; others can be acquired.

The word 'charisma' comes from the Greek goddess Charis. Charis' character was one of total beauty and charity. Today, the word has to do with an individual's magnetism, intensity, vivaciousness, and so on. Gerry Spence's said it best: Charisma is energy from the heart zone. If the speaker has no feeling, there is nothing to transfer. Charisma occurs when the speaker's feelings are transferred in the purest form to another. Charisma is not a diluted feeling. It is not disguised. It is a raw feeling. Charisma is the passing of our pure energy, our pure passion to the other.

People who are charismatic often hold us in awe. Their energy prods us, motivates us, and inspires us. They fulfill our need to have heroes. We feel better for having met them, seen them, listened to them, and interacted with them. Why and how do they have this effect on us?

So, how would one go about developing charisma? Here are eight ways:

1. Develop self-confidence in yourself and your message. Don't appear nervous or out of balance. Be confident that you possess self-worth and know your message.

2. Have a lighter side. Find your sense of humor and happiness. Have fun and don't take life too seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself.

3. Have great presence and energy. Project a presence of the Five C's of Trust: character, competence, confidence, credibility, and congruence.

4. Have a definite opinion about your subject. Be knowledgeable and make sure that knowledge is based on a solid foundation. Develop a sense of the audience's emotion and conviction for your subject.

5. Look good. Make sure your clothing, hair, shoes, and jewelry match your message's tone. Dress the part.

6. Be able to inspire and uplift. Be sensitive to people and their needs. Develop rapport with your audience. Connect with them and become a great listener.

7. Be organized and easy to follow. Make your points connected and your structure clear.

8. Be dramatic, unique, and enticing. Be interesting to be around. Make sure the things you talk about are exciting. Tell spellbinding stories.

Submitted by:

Kurt Mortensen

Learning to persuade and influence will make the difference between hoping for a better income and having a better income. Beware of the mistakes persuaders commit that cause them to lose the deal. Go to www.PreWealth.com and explode your income!



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