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Article Surfing Archive15 Ways To Determine If You're An Internet Marketing Junky! - Articles SurfingYou're an Internet Marketing Junky If' 1) Your partner asks you to get off the computer and you tell them five more minutes, but they understand that means two or more hours. 2) You are running out on your hard drive because you keep gathering marketing e-books and software you have purchased or downloaded. 3) You think a night out on the town is having a drink while hanging out online forums and groups. 4) Your laptop goes with you everywhere, from restaurants to the bathroom replacing magazines or newspapers. 5) You thought you were going to be an instant millionaire when you first started your Internet or MLM networking business. 6) You wake up in the middle of the night to write down new marketing ads that just came to you because you are afraid you might forget it by morning. 7) You put your URL on your personal, birthday and Christmas cards out of habit. 8) You have come out of a movie with ideas floating in your head about how to apply this concept to Internet marketing. 9) Your favorite snack is always sitting by your computer, along with breakfast, lunch and supper dishes. 10) You enjoy reading spam to get money making ideas or words to use in your advertising. 11) Your ideal vacation is to go to a convention associated with your business. 12) Your on your way out somewhere and your disappointed upon arrival because your motivation tape is not finished. 13) You have a real job and during lunch you check and answer your business emails and place a quick ad. 14) You put marketing or motivational books on your Christmas wish list. 15) Your best friends live in different parts of the world, and you met them online. When I started writing this it was for humor, but then I sat back and looked at what I wrote are a I realized I an Internet Marketing Junky! If' 1) Your partner asks you to get off the computer and you tell them five more minutes, but they understand that means two or more hours. 2) You are running out on your hard drive because you keep gathering marketing e-books and software you have purchased or downloaded. 3) You think a night out on the town is having a drink while hanging out online forums and groups. 4) Your laptop goes with you everywhere, from restaurants to the bathroom replacing magazines or newspapers. 5) You thought you were going to be an instant millionaire when you first started your Internet or MLM networking business. 6) You wake up in the middle of the night to write down new marketing ads that just came to you because you are afraid you might forget it by morning. 7) You put your URL on your personal, birthday and Christmas cards out of habit. 8) You have come out of a movie with ideas floating in your head about how to apply this concept to Internet marketing. 9) Your favorite snack is always sitting by your computer, along with breakfast, lunch and supper dishes. 10) You enjoy reading spam to get money making ideas or words to use in your advertising. 11) Your ideal vacation is to go to a convention associated with your business. 12) Your on your way out somewhere and your disappointed upon arrival because your motivation tape is not finished. 13) You have a real job and during lunch you check and answer your business emails and place a quick ad. 14) You put marketing or motivational books on your Christmas wish list. 15) Your best friends live in different parts of the world, and you met them online. When I started writing this it was for humor, but then I sat back and looked at what I wrote are a I realized I an Internet Marketing Junky!
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