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4 Killer Network Marketing Recruiting Tips - Articles SurfingNetwork Marketing prospecting is simply the methods and strategies of finding people to talk to about your business. Nothing more nothing less. It is not brain surgery. Talking to people is imperative, so you must find folks to share your story with. the key is to attract the right types of people to you and your opportunity. This article discusses four key elements of network marketing prospecting. There are four steps to network marketing prospecting that have proven to be effective.. The essential philosophy of network marketing prospecting is to work the prospect correctly, What is the four step process? 1) Finding. This is simply using different tactics to find people that might be interested in looking at your products and business. There are hundreds of ways to do this. Finding people is an art in some ways, as you need to have multiple ways of locating leads going on with your network marketing business. 2) Exposing. Once you find some people, you need to create an exposure that is quick and gives them an idea of who you are looking for, and what the company is about. This is not really a formal presentation,but rather an approach that will create curiosity and include a call to action. The call to action should be an easy way for the prospect to request a formal presentation. The initial exposure of your Network Marketing products and business can happen in a conversation, over lunch, in an email broadcast or during a quick telephone call and be 30 seconds long. Using network marketing prospecting and recruiting tools can help you do this.. Tools are essential to use in network marketing prospecting because they allow you to expose large numbers of prospects to your business and to leverage your time. 3) Sorting and Sifting Much of network marketing recruiting involves sorting and sifting. It is a numbers game, pure and simple. However, the better you become at using tools and systems, you can find the serious, committed and educated prospects.. If your prospects will listen to you, you move them forward. If they will not, talk product, or ask for referrals. 4) System. Using a simple duplicable system is crucial for effective network marketing prospecting. For those who are willing to listen, get them into your company or upline's recruiting and retailing system, and let the system do the work. When your prospects ask for information or take any action make sure that you schedule them for a formal presentation. If they are not willing to listen, put them in your follow up system, and somewhere down the line, when timing is better for them, follow up with a phone call. Always ask them if you can keep in touch with them to keep them updated on your progress. The key is to offer useful resources, information and tools and to build relationships. simply presenting your opportunity before you have done this will not work, Following these simple principles will help you achieve success in network marketing prospecting..
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