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Article Surfing Archive5 Key Steps To Building A Network Marketing Business. - Articles SurfingStep 1: Research, Research, Research. There are so may different Network Marketing companies out there these days that it is very important that you do a lot of research before you jump right in. The last thing that you want to have happen is find yourself broke in a company that isn't going anywhere. When doing your research there are a few very important things that you need to look at. One of them is the marketability of your network marketing company. You want a company that makes it easy to get your name out there and has a strong reputation online. Marketability should be the most important aspect of your decision making process. Another thing that you need to look at is the compensation plan. We all want to be paid well, right? Looking closely at the compensation plan will help make that happen. Also, it is important to look at the product that is being sold and whether it is marketable. Though product matters, the ability to market that product is more important. Finally, it is crucial that the company if fully integrated online. You should be able to look at products, place orders, and sign up new representatives all online. This will make it much easier to expand your business. Find these things and you should be ready to go. Step 2: Contacting Your Sponsor Once you have done all your research and signed up for the company, give your sponsor a call (remember, if the network marketing company is entirely online there is a good chance that you haven't talked to your sponsor). Tell your sponsor a little about yourself and there you are serious when it comes to your new business. This will help to build a strong relationship that will help you in the future. Step 3: Setting Up A Foundation 'This is a business, this isn't a game'' ' Mighty Ducks Step 4: Grand Opening Now is the time for the grand opening of your business. So what do most business owners do when they open a business' they advertise. There are many different ways to advertise out there but in this article I am going mention a few. The ones that seem to work the best for me are PPC (pay per click) such as Google's Adwords, Ezines (online magazines), classified ads, and simply talking in forums. To find out more regarding each of these methods simple do a search for them in Google or Yahoo. There is plenty of information about each of these topics on the Internet, so spend some time looking around. Step 5: Follow Up Once you have your first few members make sure to follow up with them. This is very important. By following up with them you are able to build a strong relationships that will help to grow your team. Now simply teach them how to repeat these steps to build their business. Remember, you will never be successful until you are able to teach your new signups how to repeat what you have done. I wish you all the best.
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