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Article Surfing Archive5 Tops Reasons To Send Press Releases - Articles SurfingLooking for a cost-effective solution for getting the word out about your company? Writing regular press releases and distributing them is a valuable way to inform local and national media, and the general public about your business and expertise ' and you don't need to be a seasoned writer to write one. 1. A local or national media outlet could pick up your release and contact you for an interview for their magazine or newspaper or invite you onto their show 2. An organization could choose you for a speaker to present at their upcoming event focusing on the topics you deliver 3. You could be asked to be a regular columnist for a newspaper or magazine or even a regular guest for a TV or radio show because of your expertise in their industry 4. Traffic will be driven to your website and your ranking will increase on search engines on the World Wide Web, through having your website clickable on the press releases 5. The more press releases you distribute, the more media representatives will recognize you as the leading expert in your industry. You could be the first person that comes to mind when they need someone to interview in their field! Writing and distributing a press release requires minimal resources and the results can be quite significant. It's an efficient means of communicating your business and services, and by having an article published in a newspaper or magazine you will receive more exposure than having an ad in the same publication. Written articles build credibility and value into your product or service. Making press release distribution a publicity strategy for your marketing plan, will increase company awareness and generate traffic to your business. If you don't have time to write, edit, and send press releases, consider hiring a Publicist. They have extensive media databases along with enduring working relationships with media representatives that will give your release the attention it deserves.
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