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Article Surfing Archive8 Reasons A Single Tactic Used By The Worlds Most Powerful Nations, Will Send Your Profits Rocketing - Articles SurfingAn alliance is defined as a close association of nations or other groups, formed to advance common interests or causes. Nations across the globe have used this strategy for thousands of years, allowing money, technology and goods to be swapped benefiting both parties simultaneously. In the traditional business world, companies have done this to create Billions of dollars in profit. If this is true, just think of what an alliance can do for your online business. Below are 7 reasons to create a strategic alliance. 1. Customers love variety and they will pay big bucks to have it. If you don't believe me ask your self this question. Why do you think they make cars in different colors? Why not just one color?
3. By creating a strategic alliance your customer service will increase with out spending a dime. Because it is likely he already has some sales people, and what's yours is his. This will also include your advertising expenditures, so you can pay less for the same amount of advertising, or double it for the same price. This will result in reaching more clients for the same cost. 4. You will gain more skilled people working on the same project; allowing you to learn their knowledge as well, making you even more of an expert. 5. It will allow you to exchange endorsements with your allied partners. You will earn more credibility in your business and allow potential customers to trust and buy from you. 6. You will be way ahead of your competition, because you are reaching a larger target audience. This is priceless because the more you are generating money in that market, the more the completion will weaken and will be more likely to pull out, leaving you in a firmer position to take on others in other markets. 7. It will allow you to exchange endorsements with your allied partners. You will earn more credibility in your business and allow potential customers to trust and buy from you. 8. Development of your business will sky rocket, because you can develop new products and services faster with a larger work force.
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