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Article Surfing ArchiveAdvertising, Lifestyle & Commercial Photographers....stay Connected - Articles SurfingKeeping in touch, KIT, with past clients or potential clients is crucial in the world of independent photographers. 'Out of sight, out of mind' really holds true in many cases. With the high number of advertising and corporate photographers out there, who do you think companies will choose? The one they used years ago and never heard from again or the one who has kept in touch. As long as both have quality work, chances are they are going with the one they've been in continuous contact with. There are a number of ways photographers can KIT both for commercial and lifestyle photography. First think of the client and which method or methods will get them to remember you. Often the way to be remembered is to use a combination of options. Below are just a few easy ways to KIT. The first option is direct postcards. Postcard mailers are most effective when received around the time photography services are actually needed. This may depend on a great deal of luck, as not everyone needs a corporate or an advertising photographer at the same time. Sending out a couple of cards a year should be enough to get you remembered. Direct the postcards to each client's needs; don't send a large company who needs advertising photography information on your lifestyle photography. Make the cards appropriate. If a client has time, a portfolio interview can be great. While it is often easy to get that first interview, remember with repeat interviews that no one wants to look at the same work again, so keep your portfolio updated. Showing off new work, means you've been working and that makes a photographer more desirable. Portfolios are so often digitalized that being able to drop one off in person is a great way to KIT. It leaves the potential client with a face to match the name. It is also a less pressure situation; no one is waiting for them to look over the photos. The best way to do this is create a list of companies and clients that would want to see your work. This can be anyone from design firms, to advertising agencies, to corporations. Remember that small companies have as much, if not more, of a need for advertising photography than the large companies. Another option is to make phone calls. These can be awkward, but getting your name out there might be worth it. Best case scenarios are when you have a reason to call. You want to make your calls sociable and remember you aren't selling yourself or your work, you only want to be remembered in case any photographic need come up. Most important, don't overdo it. No one wants to feel hassled. The final KIT idea is one of the most popular. Email your clients and potential clients. This is the cheapest and probably the least time consuming KIT idea. As with phone calls, it is best to have a reason to email. Excuses like an updated website, new additions to your portfolio, checking up on past work, or you can come up with more sociable excuses. Use whatever fits your situation and the client. Whatever choice you make, as a photographer you need to learn the art of KIT. The number one thing is to not overdo your marketing. Irritating clients is not your goal and if you think you might be, back off for a little while. Being remembered when someone has lifestyle or commercial photography needs is the best way to keep in business, and keep the profits coming in.
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