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Article Surfing ArchiveCreativity Can Help Market The Business - Articles SurfingMillionaires especially those who started out with nothing at all are the best examples of people who have creativity and made it big. Sometimes this happened by chance while others because there was a need. When Marie was a child, the parents did the best to make sure this girl had a happy life. Since the daughter had a passion for skating, the family did whatever was needed to make sure this could happen. In the years to come, Marie began to understand how difficult it was. The practice dresses and the outfits used in competitions were a bit expensive so Marie started making some using the sewing machine at home instead. Mom's training in sewing really paid off here because not only did Marie make a few, this person was able to sell a few to some of the other skaters. After taking a course in fashion technology in college, this girl started a business by making some designs at home and then customizing it if that is the customer's request. Years later, Marie realized that the demand for skating dresses was going down. Since this individual had the equipment and the fabric at home, the only way to make it survive will be to venture to other things such as formal wear and costumes. There were always debuts and weddings all year round. Since the market was quite big, Marie decided to join the competition and provide something better perhaps to those that are already being done in the industry. Marie found this a bit more challenging since the clients were grown ups and each of the designs were different. In most cases, the customer will look over a magazine and point out something interesting and then this person will draw out a sketch and add some special things making it unique. There was more money to be made here and since the demand for the dresses was increasing, this was the time Marie decided to invest to expand the business. This involves renting an office space since the home cannot accommodate the demand, buying additional machines to make production faster and hiring people to take care of the labor. Marie will now be in charge of the marketing side by joining conferences and seminar to show off the designs. Living in the digital age, this individual also created a website so customers can look at the previous work and even choose to have one made instead of having one drawn. After almost two years of making formal dresses, Marie felt it was time to open a boutique shop. There was space in the mall and since the rates were reasonable, this entrepreneur took it and sold existing designs while keeping customized orders coming in. The success story of Marie is just one of many who started out at home and eventually made it big. If the existing demand for a product is not that hot anymore, it is time to diversify and try something else. Should the designs such as those for formal wear become so traditional it is time to spice it up and give it some flair. Creativity doesn't only come in the design to market a business. It also involves using various mediums such as the Internet, word of mouth and a shop that people will be curious to check out and eventually buy something.
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