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EBook Marketing - Pick the Brains of the Power Sellers - Articles Surfing

Everyone who has an interest in selling ebooks on-line has questions. How do I promote my ebook? How do I construct a good sales page. How can I use AdWords effectively? How can I learn about joint ventures? How will I drive traffic to my site? How can I generate a mailing list? The list goes on and on.

It can be expensive to buy the information you want on-line. Sure, you can find ebooks explaining almost everything you want to know, but the good ebooks dealing with Internet marketing can run from $37-$97 a whack. Your goal is to make money on line, not to spend it. But there are ways to get the very best information about any question you may have about selling ebooks completely free.

I'll give you two ways here to pick the brains of the experts and not spend a dime!

Method 1: Start out by visiting sites dealing with topics you need to learn more about. Visit sites that sell ebooks related to the topic in question. First, this will give you a good idea of how competing publishers are designing their sales pages. You can learn a lot from this.

Anyway, the successful publishers will certainly be good at collecting information from visitors at their sites. They will have squeeze pages set up asking you for your name and email address in exchange for their newsletter, mini-course, or free downloadable file. Remember, even a very good pitch page for an ebook may convert only 2-3% of first time visitors into buyers. But ebook publishers know that if they can collect names and e-mails from, say, 20% of their visitors--they can follow up via e-mail with special offers or bonuses to encourage their list names to buy later down the road. The real money in selling ebooks on-line is in working the lists!

But visitors don't give up their information easily. You must offer them something of genuine perceived value to get them to do this. So the big guys offer some pretty amazing stuff in order to get people to subscribe to their newsletter. They often give out free video tutorials, mini-courses, reports--things like that.

I can tell you that they very best information related to Internet marketing I have ever received has been TOTALLY FREE from ebook publishers. Guys like Mike Filsaime, Jeff Johnson, Andy Jenkins and Brad Fallon at Stompernet, and Michael Rasmussen regularly give away more quality free stuff from their sites than you could get buying dozens of $97 ebooks on the same topics.

They do this to 1.) get your name on their mailing list, and 2.) provide you with good quality material to build a relationship (this is a key) with you and make you a believer in the value of their expertise. If you aren't familiar with the guys I mentioned above you need to Google them up and learn from them. Read every word they write and subscribe to their newsletters and mini-courses. They are the very best in the business!

Method 2: Right now you are reading a free article and you are getting some good tips. But here is the thing: Many of the big boys in the ebook publishing business regularly submit articles to directories to increase their brand awareness and products to tons of readers.

I would suggest going back and searching for old articles written by publishers of ebooks similar to yours. Often their very best articles are the very first ones they wrote. In their early articles these authors try very hard to provide valuable information and convince you that they are an expert in their field. As time goes by they often write articles with a little less meat in them, so I always advice searching for their very earliest articles to read. You will not be disappointed!

And once you get some expertise in your area, consider writing and submitting articles of your own. Submit them to directories just like this one. It is an excellent way to create exposure and awareness of your products to large audiences!

Submitted by:

Michael McMillan

Mike McMillan has written over 40 nonfiction books and e-books. He has been interviewed on over 80 radio and TV programs such as ABC World News about self publishing. Mike's on-line self publishing course is offered through over 1,400 colleges and universities. Download his FREE, "Selling Books & eBooks" mini-course. Learn the ebook power-seller's tricks today. Download Here



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