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Article Surfing Archive

Emerging Markets ' Where Other Network Marketers Aren't Looking - Articles Surfing

I often wonder WHY online marketers only do one thing... advertise online! And the most common reason is cost. Advertising Online is generally cheaper than offline marketing. But if you know where to look (like in the newspapers), it won't cost much if you tapped into emerging markets. This article will offer tips on where and how to find the most affordable newspaper advertising slots around the world at a fraction of what you would normally pay for a small classified lineage ad; and how to capitalize on a gap left wide open by other network marketers.

Granted, advertising in the newspapers is in most cases more expensive than advertising online, but then the difference between the two in terms of response is that, visitors you get off a newspaper actually have to type your web address into the browser... hence they are more likely to stick around to find out what your site has to offer. Whereas, visitors who arrive off generic search engine results and even Pay Per Click ads like Google AdWords, Yahoo! Overture and so forth, usually have the attention span of a two-year-old (please excuse the expression), so unless your site REALLY grabs them, they will be clicking on to the next site and then the next. They just don't have the time. That said, newspaper advertising doesn't have to be costly. I spend under $10 for a lineage ad in a daily ... and that's for an ad that runs for 30days! I know, astonishing isn't it?

If you're involved in a network marketing business that has a global presence, you should be able to benefit from newspaper advertising campaigns in emerging markets. The advantages of working with emerging markets, in most cases, is that advertising rates there are by far more affordable than in the West. But for this to work, your opportunity needs to be free to join (at first, at least); and once you've built that trust, the money will come. In my case, I first conduct a search on my company site to see how many people are joining the company and from which countries every month. I keep a record of that on text file. I then compare that with the list of countries my company accepts credit cards from.

What I look for is countries where the sign-up rate is low. In other words, where we don't have a lot of new affiliates joining the company from. I also look for countries where our company accepts credit cards from. Why? Because it makes it easier to grow my business in such territories. Now if your MLM doesn't provide you with these statistics, I'd say use the search engines to research the developing countries you want to penetrate. Find out as much as you possibly can...like get into the demographics. See the sort of websites they have in that country. The job market, I find, is a good place to find out what people are seeking in terms of work, and perhaps whether or not there is high unemployment. You want an over-skilled underpaid type of demographic to make this work. And then of course, do they have locally issued credit cards that are internationally accepted? And don't forget to check with your MLM company to find out whether they do accept credit cards from the country in question. That's it. Research done, get to work!

Write to local newspapers, tell them who you are and what you do, and ask them to send you a quote for the lineage ad you want to run. Please remember to include a sample of the ad with your letter. Ask what forms of payment they accept: e-Gold, PayPal, Credit Card, Wire Transfer, Money Gram, Western Union... but if you're going to use a credit card, make sure you ask them to provide you a link over a secure server where you can input your credit card details. DON'T send your credit card details by email, fax or over the phone. Just don't!

Summary: Advertising online is great, and in most cases, if you're smart, the cost of advertising online is negligible. So I think it is safe to say that because it is affordable most Internet Marketers would opt for marketing their businesses online. The only trouble with surfers is that their attention span is very limited. It is usually a case of browsing from one site to the next at the blink of an eye... which can be fun for the surfer (getting to see all these websites) but it sure as hell can't be fun for the website owner. Why? Because if you visit my site I would want you to stick around to either buy something or sign-up for my newsletter or program. Right? That said, newspaper advertising, although generally perceived as overpriced, is not so in emerging markets. However, for a network marketing opportunity, getting into the right demographic group AND country is key to breaking into emerging markets through newspaper advertising.

Submitted by:

Anthony J. Namata

Anthony J. Namata is a successful Internet Marketer and author of How to Become An International Gemstone Dealer and his popular online journal Diary Of An Internet Marketer -- a day-to-day account chronicling his entrepreneurial endeavors on the net.



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