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Article Surfing ArchiveFinding And Using Free PLR (Private Label Rights) Products, Articles And Ebooks - Articles SurfingFirst of all, it's important to understand what exactly PLR rights are, before you learn how to use them. Private label rights, in essence, are a license you can buy for cheap and inexpensive content - that allows you to do whatever you choose with it. With those rights, you get the option of adding your own name, breaking it up into chunks, and reselling that information in whatever format you choose. The most common types of resale rights are given to packages of articles, however, some retailers also offer resale rights to ebooks, software packages, and website templates. Not sure PLR products are for you? Get ' Em Free Luckily, with the proliferation of PLR products, ebooks, and articles on the web, there's also a ton of giveaway PLR available. While it may not always be the highest quality giveaway stuff, it can and will teach you the powerful capabilities for content creation that PLR can hand you on a shoestring budget. You don't have to spend a penny to test drive the possibilities of using PLR. There are a ton of free giveaways on the web that contain PLR ebooks, articles, and software for you to play around to see if you can make private label rights work for your own web promotions. You WILL have to join a mailing list to pick up your gifts, however, these marketing giveaways offer a a ton of exclusive free PLR gifts (as well as free internet marketing ebooks) available worth hundreds to thousands of dollars. Do a search on Google for internet marketing giveaways (or check the resource box of this article. What to do with that Free PLR Content: The first thing to do with the PLR you get is do a Google search using an exact sentence, in quotes, from the article. That way, you can see how other webmasters are using it (and how many of them are using it.) You'll want to change the content around and create a new title based on the keywords you are targeting if you plan on using it for your website. Here are a few other great ideas for how to use PLR to save you time and money: * Cut up a PLR ebook and use it as a newsletter series. Add relevant links and info to each email. * Combine PLR articles to create a keyworded Squidoo lens or Hub * Create a mini-ebook to give away and use in your viral marketing efforts * Use as filler for your blog * Use them as the basis of research for original articles that you plan on submitting to article directories * Use them as the basis of research for press releases announcing your website, ebook, or affiliate program These are just a few of many uses for PLR content. Don't be afraid to play and tweak it, especially if you are getting it from a free source. PLR content can save you a lot of time researching and developing a coherent, relevant article or help you supplement your list building efforts.
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