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Article Surfing ArchiveGet More Website Traffic! Alvin Phang's Atomic Bloggin Makes It Possible With Only A Click Of Your Mouse. - Articles SurfingAtomic Blogging has been right in front of my face for a while. If I'd looked a little closer at it before I would have realized it was more than I originally thought. The last little while I've been outlining a few different ways in which I've been trying to improve business through different payment systems, or traffic methods etc. I'm sure if you have visited my blog in the past you will have noticed by now that the whole style and look has changed. I'm not quite sure I like the new template as much as the last one. I did a lot of customization on the last one, but, this one has more functionality compared to the last one in many ways. I actually updated the whole Wordpress platform as well, to the most current version. A couple of days ago, I received another email on Atomic Blogging. I downloaded a report on it a while back, but I never really looked that closely at it. I figured at the time, "Yeah, whatever, yet another blogging product for newbies." If I'd looked a little closer I would have realized that Alvin Phang's product is much more than that. I now know, and have implemented an awesome plug-in that came with the package. This plug-in alone and the time it will save you when blogging and using social bookmarking sites is worth the cost alone in my opinion. If I'd looked closer before, it would have hit me how time saving this thing really is. Time, of course, is always a big issue in a marketers life, and, I'm pretty much a one-man show, so finding new ways to save time, is always welcome to me. The Atomic Blogging plug-in allows you to post to all of the most popular book marking sites instantly, as soon as you make a blog post and hit "Publish". The plug in uses Only-Wire in it's use as well. Only Wire is a site in which you sign-up to many social book marking sites so you can submit to a bunch of the sites easier as well. I've known about Only Wire for a while, as I learned of it through Ross Goldberg's Traffic Manifesto package. It does take a while to go to all of the different sites and sign up to get all of your usernames and passwords, but once set up, it's absolutely worth it and a major time saver. So now with the Atomic Blogging plug-in, it's one click and "BOOM", you've just posted to all of the sites at the same time. As I was going through Atomic Blogging, near the end, Alvin was mentioning an amazing site that helps with blogging called Blog Catalog. This site has a PR of 7, which is very, very high. It's really is a good site for bloggers with a lot of interaction with other members etc. When I visited the site, I was racking my brain trying to figure out where I had seen this before and the widget from their site before. I now have it on my page to. Later I realized that I'd seen the widget on Holly's blog, and it got me wondering if she herself had maybe had a chance to go through Atomic Blogging herself. I really don't know, I haven't asked her about it yet, but, as usual, leave it to Holly Mann to be one step ahead of us every time. So perhaps that will be another great time saving tip for you, and also give you another great traffic strategy that works.
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