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10 Inside Secrets to Google Adwords - Part 3 - Articles Surfing

Has this ever happened to you? You spend hard-earned moneyon Google Adwords pay-per-click advertising and you losemore money than you make. It seems that Google is gettingricher while you get poorer. There are several tricks toadvertising on Google Adwords that unless you know them, itbecomes almost impossible to turn a profit on youradvertising. Part 3 of this series continues the theme ofrevealing the inside secrets of successful, profitableadvertising with Google Adwords.

If you missed Part 1 or Part 2 of this series, simply send ablank email to googlearticle@superiormarketingpartners.comto get a all three parts of this series of articles emailedback to you automatically.

Secret #8 - Track your ads by keyword in Google Adwords

After spending the time setting up separate AdGroups withinGoogle Adwords for each keyword as mentioned above, the keyis to know which keywords are costing you money and whichones are profitable. The only way to know that is to trackhow many people click on the ad and which of those clicksconvert into sales (or actions you hope the prospect totake, such as registering for your email newsletter, etc.).There are several ways to do this, including Google Adwordsown ad tracking system (which I do not recommend for severalreasons that I won't elaborate on in this brief article).

Ad tracking basically comes down to a choice between payingfor a subscription to a service or buying software thatinstalls on your own web hosting server. From hard-wonexperience, let me tell you to avoid the subscriptionservices altogether. Relying on someone else's service foryour critical stats is a gamble you do not want to take.There are several good software programs out there that willdo the job, but I recommend the one you can find at:http://www.superiormarketingpartners.com/adtracking.html

Secret #9 - Put keywords in your ad text in Google Adwords

Did you know that the keywords that are part of the text ofyour ads in Google Adwords will appear in BOLD? If someonesearches for "plastic widgets" and your ad text reads "50%off plastic widgets", then the phrase 'plastic widgets' willappear in bold when your ad is displayed. This makes a hugedifference in the click-thru rate of your ads!

If you don't believe me, simply follow the tip mentionedabove for split-testing your ads and create two ads, onewith the keywords in the ad text and the other without. Youwill be surprised at how much better the Google Adwords adwith the keyword(s) in the ad text performs.

Secret #10 - Only run ads on the Google 'Search Network' inGoogle Adwords

When creating a new campaign in the Google Adwords system,the default campaign settings are configured to show yourads on both the 'Content Network' and the 'Search Network'. Google has a pay-per-click affiliate program called GoogleAdsense. This program pays people for each click on GoogleAdwords ads that are displayed on their own web sites. Theproblem for you, the Google Adwords advertiser, is that youdo NOT want your ads showing up on any old website that hasrelevant content to your ad. You only want your addisplayed to people actively searching for the keyword(s)that trigger the display of your ad. Why? Because these arethe best prospects for whatever you are trying to sell!

The power of the Google Adwords system is that you canattract highly-targeted, motivated buyers to your site bydisplaying an ad relevant to what a person is searching forat the moment that person is looking for what you areselling. By allowing your ads to be displayed on Google's'Content Network', your ads are showing on all kinds ofwebsites being casually surfed by people that may not beinterested at all in what you are selling. This means youare paying for these Google Adsense clicks for less thanqualified prospects.

The first thing you should do when creating a new GoogleAdwords campaign is uncheck the 'Content Network' box in thecampaign settings and limit your ads to being displayed onlyon Google's 'Search Network' to insure only highly qualifiedand motivated prospects click on your Google Adwords ads.

Make no mistake about it...finding qualified, motivatedbuyers and getting them to your website when they are readyto buy is what doing business online is all about. Thereis no better marketplace for this steady stream of valuabletraffic than with Google Adwords. By employing the tips andstrategies outlined in this series of articles, you will bearmed to the teeth to convert those hard earned dollarsspent on Google Adwords into profits for your onlinebusiness!

Submitted by:

Ron Isaiah

Ron Isaiah is an expert online marketer. Get free eBooks, mini-courses, tips and tricks by visiting http://www.superiormarketingpartners.com.



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