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2 Gems For Finding Amazing Products to Sell On eBay - Articles Surfing

Are you at the point of your eBay venture that you may be feeling tapped out? Did you sell everything in everyone's attic that you could think of and now you're wondering, what next?

Don't wonder any more. Believe me, there is so much product out there it is mind- boggling. The supply is unlimited.

Think of this: how about going to local garage sales and getting some deals, or going into your neighbourhood? Good ideas, yes? But there is more. What about your local retail stores? You could perhaps find deals or maybe even inquire about overstock. Maybe your family or friends work for companies who have product.

All of these can be great places to find product. There are also many, many wholesalers who are dying for you to buy from them. Sometimes you could get in too deep, so go slow and do your homework first.

Homework you say? Well, yes it sounds awful, at least to our children, but this kind of homework is fun and easy. You will not be up all night tearing out your hair, at least I hope not!

The key to finding great products is to build great relationships with people. If companies have a lot of product, and they like the way you do business, well that makes it easy for you to continue purchasing product from them.

Again, a great place to start is to check into the employers of family and friends. Because you already know their employees, it makes it a bit easier to get your foot in the door. Get to know them; you will be surprised how easy it is to build a great business around this one idea.

Whether you choose this route or buying from wholesalers, or whichever avenue you decide to go, there is a magic recipe you need to be successful. Do you want me to tell you what it is?


I have mentioned this before, but I will go into it a little deeper this time. Research, research, research.

Research before you buy.

Here are 2 important ways to go about this research.

1. Think of these points. How much can you get this product for? How much can you sell it for? How long will it take for you to go through the whole process and get the product listed on eBay, and how much money will you have in your pocket when it is all over?

Are you a good shopper? Can you spot deals? Give me a break! Any mother today who cannot spot deals is either really doing without or is completely broke! So you can spot a deal can you? Good! Use that skill to find your products to sell on eBay.

It would be a good idea for you to begin your search for products in an arena you are familiar with. Try to start with something you already know a lot about. You understand this product. You know the little quirky things about this that make it so great.

You love to research this arena; you might even have a passion for this kind of stuff. You know where to find it and you know how to spot the deals.

Now you have a huge advantage over the next guy. You know what you're looking at and right away you could make a yes or no decision as to whether or not you should buy it or not.

2 . Now let us look at overstock items. Or maybe a retailer just simply lost their mind for a moment and bought way too much of the same thing. That has never happened to us mothers, right? If a retailer has a load of stuff in their back room just sitting, and you come along and express lots of interest in buying it, do you not think maybe they would be interested? Who wouldn't? You are offering to pay them a good amount, and they in turn not only make money, but clear out their space for newer merchandise.

And guess what? EBay is not new any more, and most people have heard of eBay and know the value of getting involved with it. It is not hard to convince people to start something here.

So now you approach these retailers. They see you face to face, they like what they see, let's hope, and they are interested in this venture. Your relationship has begun.

Because they are local, you do not have any inbound shipping costs to think about. You can see the merchandise yourself and you know if it is of good quality or crap.

You know what you are buying and you have more confidence and trust in this whole endeavor. You like them, they like you, you like the product, they like the price, you can sell it easily on eBay with a profit, and it is all good.

Submitted by:

Pauline Kiselbach

Pauline Kiselbach is a single mom of two who started with nothing and built a wildly profitable eBay business. She has put together a free multi-part mini-course to teach you how to generate quick and easy profits on eBay. Get it now at: http://www.auctionmoolah.com.



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