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3 Necessities To Make Any Business Idea Successful: Part 3 - Articles Surfing

In part 2, we learned what Universal Law is: It is the operation of Seven Laws which we will go into detail about in this lesson. I will also explain why everyone is entitled to a 'lucky break.'

Universal Law does exist. We do not live in a chaos, but a Cosmos sustained by fixed Law and Order. This is a major advantage!

Everything you want in life can be manifested by properly attuning your mind. You have to first know what you want and then mentally create it, inside of your mind, and by using your emotions, imagination, faith, will, intelligence, zeal, and do it all with feeling (Mentalism). You have to truly believe that you can achieve what you set out to achieve.

Once you have successfully created the desired circumstances and resources you'll need (inside of your mind first) your subconscious mind will gradually start to create the external means of attainment (Correspondence). You'll start meeting the right people, gravitating towards the correct resources, and generally start to always be at the right place at the right time, doing the right things! It may not seem like you are on the right path, but persevere. There is no such thing as a 'mistake' for those dedicated to success.

You will continue to consistently and passionately imagine and mentally affirm your desires. This will intensify your external manifestations because you will nurture your mental images with emotion, visualization, will power, and deep desire (Vibration), which will further draw you to the right circumstances, people, places, and things, and draw the proper circumstances, people, places, and things to you.

You will generally be moving in 'the right direction' you need to be going to succeed (Polarity). You will combine together the proper mental state within yourself (Feminine polarity) with the necessary action and physical effort (Masculine polarity) to propel yourself towards your objective at an even higher intensity and rate of speed.

You will sustain your mental focus and physical labor regardless of the natural ebbs and flows of daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly cycles. You will overcome the ups and downs of your energy levels, mood swings, self-doubts, the natural 'highs' and 'lows' of existence, etc. You will overcome the adverse rhythm of life (Rhythm) by persistently staying focused mentally and staying loyal to achieving your goals.

Over a long enough timeline, if you sustain your mental focus and your hard efforts (Cause), through all of the cyclical, rhythmical controversy that none of us can escape, you will be rewarded, eventually, with a 'lucky break' (the Effect). To work this process until you achieve your goals entirely is to defy the odds (earn your 'lucky break').

There is no telling how this 'lucky break' will come about. But all you need to know is that it is inevitable. This means it is 100% guaranteed to happen (as long you do your part). As sure as the sun comes up everyday, you will be rewarded with 'a lucky break' and probably many 'lucky breaks' along your journey towards your objective.

Luck is natural but rarely perceived as such because it is very difficult to mathematically predict. By appearance alone it seems random at times because you never know when it will pop up. The best thing to know is that when you do your part and stay dedicated to the natural operation of things, you will be rewarded. Chances are you will be surprised at the timing of your lucky break, but nonetheless you will receive it.

To conclude this portion of the lesson, the Law of Luck is that everyone is entitled to their own lucky breaks in life. No one has a monopoly on luck. Luck is earned. Over a long enough timeline everyone is entitled to his or her lucky break. This is true provided they work hard and are smart about how they work hard. This leads me to the second necessity for making your dreams come true, which I will cover in the next lesson.

Submitted by:

Joe Cooper

Joe Cooper has researched and experimented with over 275 home based business opportunities over 25 years. Discover more information about internet scam reporting at http://www.best-internet-home-based-business.net and http://www.best-internet-home-based-business.net/order_form.html

© Copyright 2006 Joe Cooper



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