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3 Simple Google Techniques to Jump Start Your Webpage - Articles Surfing

Google isn't the internet's leading search engine for nothing. Google developed the best search engine technology in the market BEFORE it opened it's doors to the internet public. Now google has over 1 billion web pages indexed of which it searches in less than half a second.

Since google started, it has continued to grow and expand and become all the more powerful and useful to those of us who know how to properly use it. Today I would like to point out 3 simple, often overlooked techniques you can use to ensure that google indexes your site properly and much higher in it's search rankings.

1. Submit your site to google ASAP: The most obvious technique that you must apply is to submit your website to the google database. Even if you have not yet published your website, it is a good idea to do this, as it takes google approximately 6 weeks before it includes your website in it's index. So the sooner you submit it, the better. Head to this link to submit your website url immediately.

Now to a couple of often overlooked and unknown methods you can use to improve your sites ranking with google, and ultimately drive in more traffic.

2. Create a Google Sitemaps for your website: This is a relatively new option that google has implemented to allow them to better index ALL important pages of your site, and to not index the ones you don't want. Uploading a sitemap to your website will also enable you to inform google of whenever you make updates to any pages on your website. This way google knows when to crawl your webpage. Overall, this is a pretty simple tool google has implemented, and very easy to use. For google's information on how to build a sitemap for your website, go here.

Google goes over how to create your own sitemap at this link, but it is quite tedious. Because of this, there are a few good Google Sitemap generators out there that will churn one out for you in no time. The one that I have found to be the easiest to use is from CoffeeCup Software. Their piece of software is simply called Google Sitemapper. Just do a search for it on google.

However if you are looking for a free Google Sitemapper, just go here. They have a great tool which will generate a sitemap that will allow google to index your website properly and efficiently.

3. Stay away from linking to Banned Sites: Anyone who knows anything about SEO, knows that one of the keys is to have a lot of quality incoming links to your website. In return you usually must place a link of theirs on your website. The problem that can often be encountered with this is you may be linking to other websites that are banned by google's search engine for any number of reasons. This could ultimately hurt your search engine rankings by more than you know.

Luckily there is a nifty little free tool that will allow you to check all the links on your website to find out if they are banned by google or not. More than likely none of them will be banned, but if you do find some links that are banned, you could save yourself a lot of trouble. To check out a review of Google Ban Checker tool, just go here.

I hope that you can put these easy methods to use on your website and increase the ranking of your website with Google. There is much more that can be done to increase your ranking with Google which I will be getting into great detail with in my Newsletter. Furthermore, I will be revealing some of the biggest Google Secrets that Internet Marketers DOn't want you to know about. You won't want to miss this revealing newsletter, so head on over to http://www.majormarketingtools.com and sign up.

Submitted by:

Jonathan Heusman

Jonathan Heusman

I have over 6 years of experience with internet marketing and decided it was time to share my experiences and knowledge with other.

Check out my home at http://www.majormarketingtools.com



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