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5 Easy Steps to an Automated and Lucrative Online Business - Articles Surfing

We'd all like to have an online business that's not only financially successful but can run itself and consistently pull in multiple streams of income. But how do you go about this and where do you start? Well here are 5 easy steps.

1. Get It Going. There's no step more important than this. Plenty of businesses are fully automated and can run themselves, but they can't start themselves. You need to take action and start your business, and the time to take action is right now.

But first, remove the 2 negative thoughts that might hold you back. The first negative thought that people worry about the most when starting an online business, is about not being perfect. So put that thought straight out of your head. No one's perfect and no one expects you to be. You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going.

The other thing is criticism. Sure you'll get it, you just have to learn to deal with it and not worry about it. So what if people criticise you? You're getting it going and that's the only thing that will drive your business forward to success.

2. Do a 12-product survey. You need to get 12 different products to sell to see what people are mostly buying. These products don't have to be great or expensive, they just have to be diverse enough in content to see what most people want and then you can get more similar products to the more popular ones.

3. The Killer Sales Page It doesn't matter how good or bad your product is, if you don't have a killer sales page, then no one will be interested enough to buy it. Your sales page needs to include as much information as possible to arouse prospective customers' interest.

Your headlines need to be intriguing and your first few paragraphs need to present your readers with a potential problem they may have. The middle part of your sales page should show how other possible solutions are not adequate enough or should elaborate more on the reader's problem. The end of your sales page should offer your product as the solution, include as many bonuses as possible and repeatedly state what value-for-money your product is.

Make sure you get excited when you write your killer sales page.

4. Quickie Products. Make sure your products are quickie products that take the minimal amount of time to produce. Information products (eBooks) are the easiest, or if you want to sell a software product, get someone else to make it for you.

Then sell your products quickly and easily by signing up to a company like ClickBank.com. They have a low start-up cost and thousands of affiliates to help sell your products world-wide without you having to lift another finger.

Then automate your website so that visitors can buy directly from you or can sign up as an affiliate from your site. Capture the email address of anyone who buys your product and set up an auto responder with dozens of ready-made emails full of details about your other products to send out to your ever-growing email list.

5. Traffic. Next you have to drive as much traffic as possible to your website. One of the best ways to do this is by writing keyword-rich articles, submitting them to as many article directories as possible (I use Article Submitter software for this) and include a link back to your website in your resource box.

Once you've done all this you'll have 12 products being sold for you all over the world ' and this is only the beginning'

Submitted by:

Ruth Barringham

Ruth Barringham is a freelance writer and runs successful websites at http://www.writeaholic.co.uk and http://www.workathomeaholic.com. Submit articles quickly and easily using Article Submitter from http://www.workathomeaholic.com/articlesubmitter/index.html.



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