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5 Little-Known Secrets To Writing Articles That Beckon 1000s Of Visitors - Articles Surfing

Let's talk about how to easily write articles that can bring tons visitors to your website, thus more profits.

I know you've thought about it, and probably said, "Nah, Iam not a writer". Well, there's a writer in all of us, andwriting articles to gain expert status as well as targetedtraffic is so important.

You have to write articles that will engage your reader andhold their attention all the way through, as opposed to theusual 'clicking and fleeing'.

Have you ever clicked and fled? If yes, then you know howit feels like being the reader.

This is what happens when your eyes are weary of theinternet information overload. You click on an article thatis so copy- heavy; it makes your brain groan from the painof reading all that information.

You do not want this to happen to someone who is readingyour stuff, do you?

So do not bombard your readers with words. Granted that youknow every single word in the dictionary. But that is not areason to try and put all that in one material.

Here are five tips to help you create articles that aresuper-tight and can beckon thousands of visitors that youare the one being bombarded.

1. Keep it short.

The article websites say to keep your articles under 800words, but it is really difficult to control yourself whenan article concept is blowing around in your head andwanting release. If it is any consolation, 500-1,000 wordsis okay. Just remember that if you start rambling, yourreader would not stay with you very long.

So keep it short and straight to the point.

2. Pace and balance.

Some people who write short articles start with a slow andintriguing buildup, but then cut the reader off at the end.This may keep the number of words down, but the suddenanti-climactic ending makes for lousy reading.

Do not leave your reader high and dry. Write a quicksummary of each paragraph, then develop each one with threeor four supporting sentences. Close with a motivating callto action.

3. Break it up.

An article that is broken up into sections is so mucheasier on the eyes than one with long paragraphs of copy.

For this reason, the How-To, "7 Tips" and Q&A are immenselypopular. Use sub headlines in bold type to help guide theireyes down the page.

If you can offer your content-hungry article prospects somegreat, well-paced copy that will look fantastic on theirspecialty niche website, you can be sure your articles willget great exposure and readership.

4. Focus on the customer.

Of course, your article content will come from your ownexperiences. But instead of saying, "I know this guy who"and "When I designed my website," you can project yourstory onto the customer.

It helps to address the reader and ask questions: "Everfind yourself buried under piles of paperwork?'. Writing isall about the reader. Keep that in mind always.

5. Include a call to action.

If you word your articles in just the right way, you canreally inspire your key customer to take action withoutmaking them feel pressured.

Tap their wants and needs, offer solutions, and then spurthem on to make a change for the better. Of course, thesolution is to get in touch with you. Do this subtly inyour article, and then do it again with a bit more volumein your conclusion and bio.

"Visit us today to find out how great copywriting can makea world of difference for your business!" is a classicexample. Easy, is it not?

In general, it helps to visualize the article reaching itsfinal destination.

If your article is about cooking, then imagine it onsomeone else's cooking website.

Now imagine the reader, taking in your story. What wouldthey want to read about? How can the visual presentationkeep them riveted on your words, so they can make it to theend where your bio and URL link is? How can you get them toclick that link?

If you do get wrapped up in the joyous act of articlewriting, then there is nothing wrong with that.

Just remember to keep your eye on the prize and the purposewhy you are writing these articles in the first place. Yourprospects.

The ones who are reading what you have written.

Submitted by:

Gabriel Aguinaga

Gabriel Aguinaga is a professional Internet marketer whodevotes a great deal of time helping young marketers reachexpert status in record time. Visit his website to learnhow he can help you become a more professional marketeralmost instantly. http://InstantProfitsCenter.com.



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