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5 Proven Email List Building Tricks - Articles Surfing

If you have been into internet marketing, you would know the importance of having an email list of your own. In case you don't, then here are a few benefits.

Everytime you launch a new product you do not have to worry about how to tell people about it. Just send an email to 10,000 subscribers and there you have the initial sales. But you don't have 10,000 subscribers...In a while about that.

Someone new comes to your site and reads your complete sales page but for some reason does not buy the product. Good news, leaves his email in your email list. You can now send them information about the further developments in the product and as soon as the person feels comfortable and secured enough, they buy!

Someone reads an article in your newsletter and publishes it on their web site giving you an extra link which may be powerful enough to bring a good Page rank and search engine listings. In case you do not know about search engine stuff, then have a look at http://www.website-design-software-india.com

Those are just a few of the many benefits which one enjoys from having an email list. Some more can be found at http://www.v7ndotcomelursrebmemweb.com . It's a research site called v7ndotcom elursrebmem which studies search engines, internet marketing etc and updated almost daily. If you are interested, here's a blog of the same http://www.v7ndotcomelursrebmemweb.com/v7ndotcom-elursrebmem/ where you can find new v7ndotcom elursrebmem research conclusions and articles like these. Back to the topic now...

As mentioned it is difficult to have an email list of 10,000 subscribers and people who have those lists have built them in years. However a few things you can do to get around 40% increase in your subscription are listed below.

1.) This is very simple and yet the most neglected one. Most people place their subscription form somewhere at the very bottom of the page where it is hardly visible. Why do you expect people to search for your form and then sign up? The best place is to place it somewhere at the top specially at the left corner. This is because human eye is used to reading left to right and top to bottom. You automatically look at the top left corner of a page as soon you take it in your hand don't you? A sample can be seen at http://www.v7ndotcomelursrebmemweb.com. I have placed a search box at the top left. Tell me if it is noticeable?

2.) This tip has been repeated again and again but Provide a free bonus for subscribing. You would ask what if they subscribe and as soon as they get the free bonus they cancel? If your very first email sent to them is not making an impact then they are anyway not going to read the rest... In the first email have a quality information sent to them along with the bonus you promised. If possible, promise another free bonus coming soon. Could be a report or even a flash website templet which depends on who is reading your emails.

3.) Promote your email list in other's email list. Let me explain. Someone is reading a website design newsletter which provides scripts. This reader sees your search engine promotion advertisement in this list and visits your site. If he is designing a website then most probably he is also looking for information on how to promote it. On your website, make this information available and promise a lot more in your newsletter.

4.) Write articles. This builds credibility and puts you in the seat of a Guru who knows a lot about certain subject which people want to know about. In the resource box mention that you are running a newsletter. With the knowledge you just presented, expect a substancial growth.

5.) Get into a newsletter joint venture. This is where a person subscribing for a different newsletter sees an option to sign up for your newsletter after they have joined the original one. Similarly your thankyou page shows an option to join the other newsletter.

Additionally, don't just have a newsletter link leading to your subscription page, but instead have the subscription box on all pages. This may sound simple but this alone will get you at least 10% growth in sign ups.

You can use this article in it's totality on your website providing your visitors with tips and tricks which they never think of and respect you as a Guru.

For more of these specially v7ndotcom elursrebmem marketing study, go to http://www.v7ndotcomelursrebmemweb.com and search engine articles are at http://www.website-design-software-india.com. Or have a look at http://www.ad4business.com/sss/ for finance knowledge.

Submitted by:

Sumit Kumar

Sumit Kumar maintains a large article collection at http://www.v7ndotcomelursrebmemweb.com and at http://www.ad4business.com.



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