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6 Free Ways to Get Quality Targeted Website Traffic - Part 2 - Articles Surfing

Note: This is Part 2 of a two-part article. To read Part 1, go to http://www.internetbusinessformula.com/free-website-traffic.php.

Did you realize that there are easy ways to get free quality traffic to you website? Most webmasters do not realize that some of the best website traffic that they can receive won't cost them a dime.

In fact, one of my websites receives hundreds of newsletter subscriptions a month without me having to spend a dime on advertising.

Most Internet marketers will tell you how to write good ads and pay the write amount per click at Google and Yahoo, but what they won't tell you (usually because they don't know) is how to get free traffic that will actually convert into more revenue than the paid traffic!

There is only one catch - these traffic generating techniques will cost you your time instead of your money. Now you could easily make it cost you money instead by hiring someone else to do it for you, but that is your prerogative.

If you apply these simple techniques you will get more target traffic to your website.

Here are six easy ways to get quality targeted traffic to your website free of charge.

Note: These are steps 4 through 6. View the first part of this article for the first three steps.

4. Submit your articles to article announcement lists.

After you have submitted your articles to the article directories you need to also submit them to announcement lists. This is a great way to get an immediate boost to your website traffic.

An article announcement list is simply an email list that webmasters subscribe to so that they can receive free content for their websites. Webmasters such as yourself send their articles to these email lists. This benefits both sides.

You can go to http://groups.yahoo.com to find such lists where you can publish for free. Just type in "article announcement" in the search bar to locate those email lists that accept article announcements.

5. Exchange links with other webmasters.

You have probably heard this one before. It is by far the most misunderstood and misused Internet marketing technique on the net today.

The idea is simple - offer to link to another website if they will in turn link to yours. This helps to boost your search engine rankings and also gets you visitors to your website.

When done properly this can do wonders for your website traffic. Unfortunately most link building campaigns turn into a free-for-all link farm building campaign where all webmasters do is get as many incoming links as they can, even if they are completely unrelated.

By getting unrelated links into your website and posting unrelated links out your links page will simply become a myriad of anchor tags that nobody will bother using, thus destroying its principle purpose.

To learn how to run an effective linking campaign, I strongly suggest visiting the site http://www.linkingmatters.com. They have a great free tutorial on how to run an effective link building campaign that will actually give you results.

6. Create a free re-brandable e-book or PDF report.

This method has the potential of getting you thousands of visitors within a short period of time. Similar to submitting your articles to directories, you can also create a free 10 to 20 page e-book about an important subject related to your niche market.

Within this e-book you can have a couple of affiliate links to products that you recommend. Make sure that these products are actually worth while as the intention is not to make money but to get your e-book spread as far and wide as possible.

How do you do this? You allow others to re-brand your PDF report or e-book to include their affiliate links instead of yours! I recommend using a service such as http://www.viralpdf.com to do this.

Why would you allow others to do this? Because they will send the PDF report to as many people as they can in order to make money! Of course the URL to your website will still remain intact, so you will benefit from others doing all of the work!

If you don't want to spend any money, then you can just create a really good report that has no affiliate links and allow others to reproduce this on their sites. Tell others that they can give the report or e-book away as a free gift to those that subscribe to their newsletter. This will add quality to their websites and will generate more traffic to yours.

In conclusion...

I hope that by reading this article I have opened your eyes to a few new possibilities to generating traffic to your website without spending a lot of money (or any for that matter).

In the end word of mouth is the most powerful marketing technique. All of the methods listed above are basically ways to get other webmasters to tell their users about your website. It is always a win-win situation.

Submitted by:

Matthew Glanfield

Matthew Glanfield is an Internet marketing veteran of 3 years. Receive his free email course on how to start your own Internet business by visiting http://www.internetbusinessformula.com.




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