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6 Ways To Get Valuable Feedback From Your Website Visitors And Customers - Articles Surfing

You can learn many things you didn't know about your website by getting valuable feedback from your visitors and customers.

Some of your visitors may think it's too hard to navigate through your web site. Some may think that you have too may links on it. Some may even want to see who is the person behind the website. Some visitors may even think that there are not enough payment options on your site.

What ever they think about it, knowing these types of important information can improve your products/services, website, and other valuable information that may help your website be more effective.

Below are six ways you can use to get valuable feedback from your website visitors and customers:

1. Stay in contact with your visitors on a regular basis who have actually left you their name and email address. You can do this by offering them the chance to subscribe to your e-zine for free. Just make sure that they see where they can subscribe. After every sale, follow-up with the customer to see if they are satisfied with their purchase.

2. Use surveys and questionnaires regularly to improve your business. Offer visitors free stuff for filling up your surveys and questionnaires. Create a pop up window or a link that they can click on so that it is easier for them to fill out the form. Although some people won't even bother to fill out the form, some will do. This will be very valuable for you and your website.

3. Go on any online forum and subscribe to it. When you go on, ask other webmasters to take a look at your site and leave any feedback about it. I have done this in the past and it has been very helpful.

4. Make it easy for your customers and visitors to contact you if they choose to. Make sure to offer them as many contact methods as possible. Allow them to contact you by e-mail. Hyperlink your e-mail address so customers won't have to type it.

You can also offer them a toll free number so that they can call you and give you some feedback about your website, the products that they purchased, or just any comments that they may have.

5. Create an online forum for your visitors and customers. Let them chat with each other. Once in a while, ask them for their feedback. Many will reply back to you since you are the moderator and they know you by now.

You can regularly moderate this forum to see what your visitors and customers are saying about your business in general.

6. Offer your website visitors one of your online products or services from your web site at no cost to them. It could be web designing, an e-book, search engine submission, etc.

In return, ask them to fill out a short survey about your web site. Ask them if they find it is easy to navigate. Ask them what they think about the color. What they think about the price of the product or service etc.

You could use a couple or all of the ways listed above to get some valuable feedback from your visitors and customers. These aren't the only ones. In fact, there are many more ways, but these are the most common ways to get feedback from your website visitors and customers. You can always come up with your own ideas. You just need to put your mind into it.

Copyright 2004 Tal Fighel

Submitted by:

Tal Fighel

Retired? Unemployed? Laid-Off, or Insufficient Income? Tal Fighel, the editor and publisher of home business tips newsletter, can help you start your own Internet business from home. Build residual and leveraged income to create real wealth.




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