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Beware! Of "Work from Home" Wolf Tickets (Part 2) - Articles Surfing

This article is a continuation of Beware of 'work from home' wolf tickets (Part 1). If you have not read it, you can read it here, telerepsathome.com/workfromhomewolftickets; I suggest you read it first. I will briefly highlight some points from part 1 to help you follow along.

In 1995 I begin to educate myself on these heartless home based job stealers; I started recognizing their identifying traits. I uncovered other resources, whom could give me details about the business practices of companies. Friends and family begin to come to me with questions about businesses and how to do further research on the vague company report given by the BBB. Back then, it was like a scavenger hunt trying to identify Wolf Tickets and finding resources that could help, but today this information is more prevalent than ever. Before we review how to resist wolf tickets, let's talk about the 3 most common Wolf Tickets today.

The 3 most common Wolf Tickets being sold Today

' Data Entry Jobs:

Data Entry jobs are the most sought after job by work from home candidates. Scammers are aware of this. There are legit data entry jobs out there, but these are far and in-between. Use caution when applying for data entry jobs on and off-line. Ask other home based job seekers what companies they recommend.

' Mystery Shopping list:

Many ads claim to get you started with mystery shopping; you may or may not receive a list of companies. Mystery shopping jobs are very time sensitive. Assignments have to be done on the day specified. So, a list of jobs would not be beneficial. You can find companies and up-dated jobs at mysteryshop.org (Mystery Shopping Providers Association)

' Survey Web Sites:

Despite the hype, surveys are not a quick way to make a lot of money from home; a real research project may take 30 to 45 minutes to complete, paying you a whopping! $5 to $10. The most common method of payment for surveys are-- gift certificates, products and points. Cash is seldom paid, if you do receive a check it is not enough to call an income. A lot of survey sites are just companies linked to affiliate companies that pay the web site owner just for you signing up, although you may never receive a market research assignment-- you will get an inbox full of solicitations. People usually fill out surveys to get free stuff.

In Part 1 of wolf tickets we discussed three steps you need to take to resist these wolf tickets, Avoid, Identify, Report. These three steps formed the word (AIR) because this is what scammers are full of. Let's see how you can apply these words in your home based job hunt.

1. Avoid- Wolf tickets by knowing the words that are printed on them.

' Easy Money

' No experience required

' Everyone Qualifies

' Offer of Unrealistic Pay Check (1,000.00 per wk)

' 1-800# with 20 different extensions which lead to the same company

2. Identify-Know how to identify Credible Jobs and Companies

' Real jobs do not center on how much you are paid, their main focus is finding the right candidate for the job.

' Web Site presence, because the site has a web presence it doesn't mean it's legit, but it's better than just a P.O. Box. Look for' contact information-- phone numbers, email address, and office location. Find out the number of years they have been in business. Identify the owner or President. Look for press information; Press Releases, Magazine Articles, etc'

' Start- up fees is not required, the exception to this rule is, some companies may require a fee for background checks or credit checks. But this usually comes after the interview and you know you have the job.

' Real Companies post jobs on job boards frequently visited by Candidates, they do not send you spam emails about this wonderful position they have. Email from a company, you did not apply for-- is a red flag!

3. Report- To the 'Wolf Ticket Watchers' They are'

' The Federal Trade Commission-www.ftc.gov

' Bad Business Buearu-www.ripoffreport.com

' National Fraud Information Center-www.fraud.org

' Web Assured-www.webassured.com

The 5 most targeted group of people

In Part 1 we identified the 4 most targeted groups of people, they were'

' College Students

' Senior Citizens

' Moms

' The Disabled

In Part 1, we also discussed that the biggest target market of this group is stay at home moms. However, since this group of people has become schooled on scams, Scammers are now trying to slither into the wallets of a new target. Who are they?

A new Target of Wolf Tickets

That new target is our teenagers. Teenagers are 5th on our list of the most targeted group of people. They are the new generation whom is falling prey to Wolf Tickets, because of access to the internet our teenagers are being sucked in by scams. They get spam from them in their email box or a Pop- up from a website they frequent may entice them to get mom and dad's credit card. These wolf tickets are enticing to teenagers because they are eager for Independence, and they believe that having their own money is going to give them that.

TeleRepsathome surveyed a group of teenagers, and the results were unnerving! Either they or their friends had encountered a work at home scam. When asked what they would do with the money-- they thought they were going to make, the answers came pouring out; buy clothes, get a cell phone, buy fast food, get cds and the list goes on. Note to Parents: Start educating your teens about Scams.

Teach your teenagers the (AIR) Technique, since children learn better by doing here's an exercise you can do together, this is an example of 2 real work from home scam ads, found in the local newspaper.

(1st Ad)

Headline: Make $3,264/Weekly

Body: Processing Rebates Online! Earn $15.00/Per Refund Guaranteed. Extremely Easy. No Experience Needed

(2nd Ad)

Headline: Earn $950 Weekly

Body: Typing From Home. Data Entry Workers Needed! Everyone Qualifies. No experience required

Now, you have your teen spot the red flags in Ad #1 and #2?

' Unrealistic Income

' Extremely Easy

' No Experience Needed

' Everyone Qualifies

Teenagers are the most naive out of the 5 most targeted groups of people, they are unaware that scams exist and oblivious to the strategies that are used. Here's something to think about, when the teenagers were asked why they didn't take the bait-- the most common reply was, 'because I did not have a credit card'. Not, because it was a scam.

Copyright 2006 Tara Brewer

Submitted by:

Tara Brewer

Tara Brewer, is the founder of TeleRepsathome. Tara has researched work from home jobs for 12 years and has a successful track record of helping job seekers find home based employment. You can read more articles by Tara on InnoVisions Canada and Yahoo!News Visit http://www.telerepsathome.com/index.html Today!



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