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Bobby Crutchfield's Internet Home Business Thoughts & Ideas! - Articles Surfing

A home based business is a great way to make either some extra disposable income to Pay Bills, Take Vacations, Buy School Supplies, Est.. Or it can be a full time career which can provide a very lucrative income. But before you make the decision to start a home based business here is some things you need to know. Most network marketers will spends lots of money & never make it back. So you will hear & read lots of stories about how this Networking company or that one is a rip-off. I would say that maybe 2% of all these complaints are really true. Most of these people never learned what they needed to know to be successful at the company they chose. To make lots of money in any profession you need an education. A person who thinks, if I were a doctor then I could make lots of money. They don't just wake up one morning & say I am going to be a doctor, hang a sign, start seeing patients & begin making $100,000 per year. So how can you expect to be successful one week into your online business? As with any business it takes time & education to make the money from your online venture. When you look at online businesses do some research don't just believe all the hype promoters are saying. There are lots of great Online Networking Companies with quality products you can try out to see if you like them, One important rule if you don't use & really like your own products you will NEVER be able to successfully promote them.

Now on to the facts about starting your own online home based business.

95% of all Businesses Online or Offline fail main reason: Lack Of Marketing Experience. This goes for individuals starting an Online Business or your local mom & pop shop on the corner. The 5% that make money spend enough time failing by trial & error to acquire these skills. Or they learn from others experiences, such as Franchises, they solved this problem with a simple Concept. Think about McDonald's or Subway they use a simple duplications system & it works. For information on of the one best Marketing systems I have ever came across with regards to starting an online business.


True Duplication is what Net-workers all seek but rarely find. Once a person has spent the time & effort to gain the ability to enroll other on a consistent basis they realize that true duplication is what's needed but out of reach. One can not truly duplicate themselves in mannerisms, speech, confidence, est.. Here in lies the problem, they can enroll with their unique style but how do you teach your style to others, you can't. True duplication will never be realistic for people anyway. Well then how does anyone build networking businesses? Systems: systems stay the same like how McDonald's makes fries the same every time. You can't truly duplicate yourself but you can duplicate a system then teach this to all your enrollees. Thus they duplicate exactly what you do. Now it works this is why Franchises work so well.

Good systems will do exactly this true duplication even when it comes to calling prospects or members. They should not tell you to do any thing that every one in the system can't duplicate exactly. For some calling prospects is to stressful. Good system should never require the down-line to cold call. I will say this because some old-timers were trained to cold call & it's your business after all so you make choices that you feel are right for you. But if you have great phone skills & you persuade a down-line member to join something being promoted & not let the system do it for you. Then you can spoil the duplication, maybe the down-line member you persuaded does not have good phone skills. Now they think that they must call their down-line like you did with them. The system just changed for them now & became just like the last Pyramid Deal they were in where someone told them to {Make a list of every one you know & call them}. So I personal would recommend not calling to promote. If you call it should be for introduction reasons only not to try & persuade them to sign up for anything. Let the system do all the promoting for you & for your down-line. This is true duplication because it does not depend on your talents that others in you group may not possess. There are some very good systems for online marketers. You can use Google, Yahoo, Est' to find them, if you are in business without a system you may have success, but more likely than not you will join the 95% club.

Bobby Crutchfield http://cru-ven.ws/

My Blog http://cru-ven.blogspot.com/

Submitted by:

Bobby Crutchfield

My name is Bobby Crutchfield I live in Austin Texas My web site http://cru-ven.ws/.I have started several businesses offline & online. I beleive anyone can be successful with enough time, effort & knowledge.



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