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Can Anybody Make Money Online? - Articles Surfing

At one time we've all wondered how possible the chances are to make money off the internet. I was there once, and it took some time before I was able to do it, but I know that it is relatively easy to make money. The amount to be made is the hard part. There are many different areas of the internet you can make money with and sometimes all the areas flow together to form 1 huge money machine!

I've looked through countless ways of making money online. I've also tried different things offline but 3 years ago I never imagined I would be well off due to making money from the internet. Since I didn't have money to begin with I was going about everything the cheapest way I could do it. Sure you can make money with gold but you need several thousand dollars invested in order to make anything! The money I'm making online is something anybody can do. I've narrowed down the choices of online opportunities to the 4 methods that provide me with a living.

You have probably heard of paid surveys and I'll tell you now that they are the easiest way for ANYBODY to make online money with. The amount you make will depend on where you live but there is money available to everyone in all parts of the world. For instance, if you're in New York City you'll be in the heart of the action so it's possible to make a living just off of taking surveys and participating in focus groups. There are people out there living this way and they're enjoying a simple life. They'll never become rich but they're job-free!

I live in Canada where I'm 4 hours away from the closest focus groups so the income I make is strictly from surveys but I still make anywhere from $20-$100 a week. It might not sound like much but it's extra money in the pocket! Throw in the occasional winning draw and those earnings go up higher. I once won $2500 and have won quite a few draws worth $100-$250! Paid survey companies usually include mystery-shopping opportunities as well so you're sometimes getting paid to eat a FREE meal. This is just my personal experience but if I were living ANYWHERE in the U.S.A. I could be making 4 times the amount.

Yes, you can make money taking surveys but that's not where the top dollars are. I can't give away the other secret methods so easily but I will tell you that the other opportunities I provide in my Four For 1 website are where people are making it rich off the internet! The amount made depends partly on luck and partly on how much you put into it. Some people may have a knack for the money-making-methods and could be earning $1000's a week within the first month. This can just as likely happen from a pure stroke of luck! Other people might have to work for 6 months before they see any significant profits. The thing is, the profits do come and when they do it is very exciting because you know you've done it yourself.

There are other sites on the net that give you a single opportunity and charge you money whether you make any or not. On my site I have provided all 4 methods because I know you will make money this way. Some methods may not work for everyone while others may make it rich using all 4 methods! I know all 4 methods work because I'm becoming very wealthy because of them!

It is very possible to make money online and almost easier than most people think. It could be as little as 10 cents at a time or as much as $100 at a time. It all depends on the area you've chosen and how much work you're putting into it. 10 cents at a time may sound like very little but if you're making a steady 10 cents every 10 seconds then you're looking at an awful lot of money.

The amount of work you put into these methods is how you will make money. Surveys will pay you by piecework ' in other words you'll get paid for each survey. With the other 3 methods there will be work in the beginning but it will run mostly on autopilot from then on. Sit back and watch your bank account grow. It's really a great feeling once you've accomplished it.

I work when I want now and it's not all that much. My goal in the beginning was to make $100 a day so I would no longer have to worry about working in factories. That goal was hit rather quickly and I now average $500-$1000 every day of the week. I often get days where I'll make over $2000! That may sound like more than enough to you but my work has now become my hobby and I'm constantly creating more ways to make the money. You need something to do in between vacations!

If you decide to try these methods out for yourself, I would set a goal equal to your current pay before quitting your job ' if you're currently working. Give up a couple hours of TV or video games every night and consider this your part-time job. Don't quit your job unless you're sure of the money coming in. If suddenly you hit your target it doesn't mean you will be making the same amount the next day. You have to be sure of yourself and know that the income is steady. I strongly recommend this.

So YES, there is money to be made on the internet but it doesn't come instantly. Even the surveys require work on your part, but being able to work from home in your spare time is worth the extra time and effort in the beginning.

If you're interested in finding out more on my other 3 methods, you can visit http://www.fourfor1.com

Good luck and happy earnings.

Submitted by:

Doug Pineau

Doug Pineau is the webmaster of many successful sites including the work from home site, http://www.fourfor1.com.

Copyright Doug Pineau, 2006



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