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Can You Really Make A Fortune Off Of Reprint Rights? - Articles Surfing

Visit Ebay or any of ten thousand other websites and you'll see people offering reprint rights everywhere. They all tell you that with their great reprint rights you'll be in business instantly with "your own product" and that you get to keep all of the money.

By can you really make money selling reprint rights and is it worth your time?

Let me give you a few examples from my personal experience, and then you be the judge....

I'll start with the most recent rights I bought first. After reading Paul Hancox ebook "Small changes: Big Profits - How to quickly and easily make more sales from your website," I saw that he offered reprint rights for only $149. This product had a suggested retail price of $27, which I had gladly paid and I was very satisfied with the product.

To digress a little... one of my criteria for buying reprint rights is that I have to have actually used the product FIRST. I won't offer my list something that I have not seen, read, touched, experienced, and enjoyed. I suggest that if you are going to offer your list a product that you adopt the same rule.

Anyway.... I reasoned that if I invested $149 in Paul's reprint rights I only needed 6 sales to break even. So it wasn't a very big risk. Therefore I went for it! I sent a mailing to my list but before I even did that, I began mentioning the book in personal emails to clients and friends. In less than a day I had tripled my money. After sending a mailing to my I list had multiplied my money by some embarrassing number of times!

This product was the type of reprint rights that I like to buy. It's a product that I know is needed.... I can put up a simple sales page and I know that the product will sell itself for years to come. I know that with very little effort I'll earn over $1000 a month in profits from that simple product. You can check it out at: http://TheRealSecrets.com/thebook/ to see how simple my marketing is for this ebook.

Another product that I market the same way is a $19 interview on how to host your own seminars and teleseminars. Fred Gleeck (who has done over 1350 seminars) was interviewed by Jim Lanford and they recorded it. When Audrey Lanford decided to sell her business at WZ.com she offer reprint rights to Fred's interview. The rights were less than $150...if I am not mistaken.

I run ads for this interview/ebook in various targeted ezines and mention it on a few of my sites. It routinely earns me $500 to $1000 per month. All this with very little effort on my part because the product sells itself. You can see how I have this set-up at: http://TheRealSecrets.com/your-own-seminar.html

A third example of how simple it can be, is that I purchased the reprint rights to Bob Serling's Power Copywriting For The Internet from Corey Rudl's Internet Marketing Center. These rights cost me just under $1000 and the suggested retail price for the course is $147. It took me less than a month to recoup my investment, and every month I do very well with that product too. You can check it out at: http://PowerCopyWritingForTheInternetByBobSerling.com

Notice with that last example how I got a domain name that had my keywords in it and that it's fairly easy to remember... if you know the copywriter? That domain name costs me less than $8 per year and my hosting is only $5 per month. That's for something that semi-automatically generates over $1000 per month :-)

I could give you numerous other examples, but won't. You get the point. I put on a teleseminar on buying and selling reprint rights a while back and recorded that teleseminar. I then turned the teleseminar into another income stream as well as offered reprint rights to it! Do you see how easy this can be? That teleseminar with myself and internet marketing expert (and lawyer) Dr. Bob Silber took less than 2 hours to do, and also generates an embarrassing amount each month. You can check it out at: http://AmazingProfitsBuyingAndSellingReprintRights.com ... another clever name :-)

I mentioned that you can grab domain names for as little as $8 per year and host them for as little as $5 per month. I get my domain names through my own registration service at: http://williecrawford.com/domains/ I host many of my sites at Host4Profit. You can check them out at: http://WillieCrawford.com/myhost.html

So now I've convinced you that you can do well with the correct reprint rights! The key again is to know and love the product. Know that it will provide your customers with genuine value. Check out my teleseminar for more tips on both buying and selling reprint rights at: http://AmazingProfitsBuyingAndSellingReprintRights.com

I did come across some terrific reprint rights this week that I will recommend. They are offered by Rebecca Hagel. She is only offering 20 licenses total, so you won't face crazy competition. I really love her material! You can check out Becky's reprint rights at: http://TheRealSecrets.com/becky.html

To answer my question, "Can you really make a fortune off of reprint rights" ... that depends upon your definition of "fortune." However, I generate several very nice income streams from reprint rights, as I've just shared with you. I know many others doing the same. I don't see why you can't too.


Copyright 2004 Willie Crawford

Willie Crawford has been teaching others how to build an on-line business since late 1996. Frequently featured in radio, magazine and newspaper articles and interviews, Willie teaches the average guy what the top marketers are doing but seldom talking about. For example, Willie demonstrates the power of automated residual income through his system at: http://ProfitAutomation.Com Visit now for a business boost.

Submitted by:

Willie Crawford

Willie Crawford has been teaching others how to build an on-line business since late 1996. Willie demonstrates the power of automated residual income through his system at: http://ProfitAutomation.Com Visit now for a business boost.



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