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Can You See 'Behind the Face' of Your Business? - Articles Surfing

Can you see 'behind the face' of your business? Is there anything there?

Have you ever been to a play, ballet, opera or some other theatre performance? The dancers and singers are usually superb and receive standing ovations at the end of the performance. But what about the 'behind-the-scenes' view?

Imagine we pull back the curtain a little more'

Think of the crew that is usually double or triple the number of performers. The crew makes sure the lighting is correct; the music corresponds to the timing of the performers; the stage props are in place; and many other functions. In fact, without the behind-the-scenes crew, there would be no play. There would be no 'traffic,' i.e. no customers to the play, no sales.

What I want to point out is how important the behind-the-scenes 'crew' is to your website and marketing. Many new netpreneurs, especially those in internet network marketing, immediately focus on getting traffic to their website; instead, they should first make sure the behind-the-scenes crew is in place. A long term vision of success necessitates some initial planning.

What do I mean by behind-the-scenes with regard to internet network marketing? I suggest 3 fundamentals to start with. I hope these will lead you to think of others, and to be creative.

1. Your own website, separate from the one provided by your network marketing company. This will allow you to have a lead capture list, build a relationship with the prospect, give away some promotional material to create interest and then direct them to your company website. This will increase your conversion rate. You are also then able to recommend affiliate products to your list even if they do not join your network marketing team.

2. You will need some autoresponder messages for your list, preferably a minimum of fifteen. Since conversion generally occurs after 5-7 contacts with a prospect, fifteen will give you enough to build a relationship with the prospect and some extra e-mails for prospects that take longer to convert. I hope you recognize the value in preparing autoresponder messages before you generate a high volume of traffic to your website. Once these messages are in place, your business will (almost) truly be on autopilot. While many networking marketing companies provide this autoresponder service, it is useful and effective to have your own personalized messages to let prospects know you're a real person.

3. A free phone number where the prospect can hear a recorded call of the business opportunity. Most respectable network marketing companies provide this service ' but do you give the number out in your e-mails? Another option is to have your own recorded call for the prospect to listen to.

I must add a 'bonus' tip. You will want to start a team blog early in the process, even when you only have one or two team members. This is not necessarily to create a false impression but to 'think big' ' to act as what your business will be, not what it is. Your team will then see you as a team leader. These articles should be both motivational and 'how to.'

These four things will allow your business to essentially run on autopilot. You can then focus on advertising and building your team to find leaders that can duplicate your success.

Cinderella (or any production) is much better with an effective behind-the-scenes crew. Your business should be the same way.

Make it happen!

Submitted by:

Chris Brown

Chris Brown is a PhD student specializing in Entrepreneurship. He also enjoys internet marketing and has achieved financial success in 'THE #1 BUSINESS.' Check it out at http://www.lawofsuccess.biz. He can be reached via email at chrisbrown77@gmail.com.

Reprint in full with writer's name, contact information and brief bio.



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