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Choose Xango'! The Secret to Success! - Articles Surfing

Since being a distributor within Xango' for the past 11 months, I have been confronted with many questions. 'What are the ingredients in your mangosteen juice?' 'How can I get your mangosteen juice cheaper than $25.00?' or 'How much money are you making at this time in Xango?'

The biggest question someone has ever asked me while explaining that Xango' is a booming network marketing opportunity was, "Is Xango' a Real Business?" After I explained to that person how many distributors I have at this time and how much money I make as a independent distributor of Xango', they still asked if it was real.

I know that all of us have seen a lot of things that for whatever reason, have helped people, and have stopped people from reaching their goals but Xango' is the business that is not only going to help you reach it but help you keep it.

Well, instead of me giving you an easy answer, I'm going to let you do your due diligence and find out for yourself if this is a Real Business.

Below, you'll find some convincing quotes taken from Fortune' magazine. Then, you'll read a small piece from a government web site intended to educate people about the difference between network marketing and a pyramid scheme. Knowing this information will help you understand that network marketing is a big business.

Listen and study the information carefully. If you are ready to change your financial situation you have be a creative thinker and watch these business trends very carefully.

Corporate America Welcomes Direct Sales

In a recent issue of Fortune' magazine (the one with Bill Gates on the cover) you'll find an interesting article focusing on the sputtering economy, and the independent contractors (distributors) who are reenergizing the U.S. retail industry through the art of direct selling.

Here are a few key paragraphs that are particularly interesting:

"Call it the age of direct selling. With its emphasis on personal, one-on-one relationships between distributor and consumer, convenience, and a high degree of consumer education, the industry may be tailor-made for today's consumer'and company.'

"The result: The industry, with U.S. sales of $28.7 billion in 2002, up 7.5% from the year before, has become a magnet for both corporate behemoths lured by its efficiencies and dozens of entrepreneurs attracted by the lower cost of market entry..."

"Last year, for example, Warren Buffett's biggest purchase was The Pampered Chef...Hallmark's Binney and Smith is launching its own direct-selling company, called Big Yellow Box by Crayola...'

"Most direct-selling businesses now employ a multilevel system, in which distributors earn money on their own sales in addition to those of people they recruit (called the 'downline') and individuals brought in by their personal recruits. That's different from the single-level approach, in which you only make money on your own sales. In 1990, about 20% of the Direct Selling Association members in the U.S. used the multilevel plan; today, it's about 80%...'

'I saw...something that I could do with my sons,' said Russ Widger Sr., a former manufacturing company owner...'I thought, with this business, they could do in about 10 years or less what had taken me more than 20 years with conventional business. The key was that they could start building a long-term residual income.'

"'[Direct sales] provided me with financial security that I would not have achieved if I had continued working a regular job, ' claimed Meg Kelly-Smith, a (former) banking executive. 'I compressed an entire career's worth of earnings into about five or six years."

"A growing number of distributors are placing orders through their company's web site instead of using the usual faxes or snail-mail orders. Distributors are using...web sites for help in recruitment and training...and as a channel for customer reordering.

"In 1990, Lisa Wilbur was laid off from her $15,000-a-year secretarial job, living in a 12- by 70-foot trailer with her husband, and trying her best to stave off creditors. Then she decided to sign on with Avon. Over the past ten years she's made more than $1.4 million in bonuses...not every representative makes nearly that much money- or wants to. Many reps...get into the business with the intention of working part-time or even, say, earning a little extra cash around the holidays.

"Although today's economic times offer a variety of challenges, solutions are available for those individuals willing to seek them out. With direct selling companies providing alternate avenues for income generation, more and more people are able to give their current jobs the pink slip."

- Fortune', The Power Issue, vol. 148, No. 3


Now that you see how corporate America is quickly embracing the methods and strategies of network marketing (direct selling), it's important for many people to make the separation between a legitimate marketing strategy used by companies releasing legitimate products, and illegal pyramid schemes that scam innocent people.

I know every single one of us has heard someone say this line: "Oh, one of those pyramid things." It couldn't be further from the truth in XanGo's case.

To quote a government web site (Division of Consumer Protection):

Xango' is a Multi-level marketing company and it is different from pyramid schemes because it is a legitimate business opportunity. This company holds the sale of a legitimate product and that is what distinguishes multi-level marketing operations from pyramids. Pyramid schemes want to make money from you, not the product sales.

"Pyramid Scheme vs. Multi-level Marketing

> Compensation based on recruiting vs. Compensation based on sales

> Few or no sales to consumers vs. Sell legitimate products to established markets

> Substantial start-up costs vs. Generally small start-up fee

> Potential to be stuck with large amounts of unsold goods vs. Will buy back unsold goods if you decide to quit the business

> Make money from you vs. Make money with you

It's wonderful to know that Xango' meets every criteria for being a legitimate marketing company.

Our CEO, Gary Hollister, is the former chairman of the board of the Direct Sellers Association, the organization that establishes the ethics in which companies introduce the product into the market.

Never before has a network marketing company launched with the number of seasoned corporate management executives as XanGo'.

Every member of the team has been in the field as top-level distributors and/or in top-level management with BIG network marketing companies doing hundreds and billions in sales. What more could you ask for from a team of network marketers.

This management team is taking XanGo where they have already gone before.

They have come together to create what I believe will be THE NEXT BILLION DOLLAR GIANT.

Let's put XanGo's growth into perspective. The previous fastest-growing health supplement was Noni, with current global sales of over $400,000,000 a year.

In its' first day, XanGo' sold more product than Noni sold in it's entire first month. During the first two months of business, XanGo' sold more Mangosteen Juice than Noni did in it's entire first year.

This is a company positioned for greatness. The economic climate, and the popular shift to home-based work through Xango' has given you the chance of a lifetime to jump in on the ground floor of a soon to be a household name.

If you haven't caught the vision already, I don't know what else I can tell you. You've seen the science behind the mangosteen, we have proof that the executives of this company know exactly what they are doing, and in a coming email I'll show you how your own FREE web site system is already set up for global growth and distribution (we're now in 9 countries).

This is a no brainer. Please call me toll free at 1-866-795-7564 and be one of the early distributors of this great phenomenon. I still have leadership positions open, which means we'll be working to build your organization.

Submitted by:

Dorline Howard

Dorline Howard has been not only a distributor for Xango for the last 6 months, but also used the juice since January 19th, 2005 and found relief in from the gout in her foot after 3 days and the arthritis in her left shoulder completely after 3 months.




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