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Co-Ventures: How to Attract Quality Traffic and Earn Thousands - Articles Surfing

There are many good techniques for getting traffic back to your website. Creating co-venture business relationships is often overlooked.

What is a co-venture relationship? Many business who have built a good mailing list and have trusting relationships with their clients often fail to realize how to make the most of thier loyal customers.

This is where you come in. You are interested in bringing quality traffic to your website. This means potential sales and it means people joining your newsletter. One of the best ways to do this is to take advantage of a client list that another company has acquired.

You go to a related but non-competitive business and you say to them: How would you like to add thousands of dollars to your bottom line without and risk or investment? I don't really know who would say no to this.

What do they have to do? All they have to do is send out an email or a series of emails giving a personal recommendation to your website. It's one step up from a solo letter advertised through an ezine. If the company owner you are working with personally endorses your service, it is much more effective then cold advertising.

Why would they do this? Because you give them this offer: For every sale that they drive to your website, you give them a commission. This could mean 20% or this could mean $10 per sale. It all depends on what your selling and how much your willing to give up.

It's a win-win situation for both parties. They potentially get thousands of dollars added to their bottom line (a good incentive to give you a glowing recommendation to their customers) and well, you know what you would be getting.

A good technique for this is to offer the other business's customers a special deal.

OK. So what kind of company do you find and how do you approach them? Make sure you find a company that doesn't compete with you. If you are selling SEO tools, you could partner with a web hosting service or a web design company. If you are selling artwork, you could partner with a frame service. If you are selling toothbrushes, you can partner with people selling toothpaste. Get creative.

So once you know what kind of business to target, which one do you approach? My favorite tool for this is Alexa (go to www.Alexa.com). This is a free service that allows you to get the behind-the-scenes information: Who owns it, what their email is, what their phone number is, who their competitors are, how much traffic they get, and what rank they are in the search engines.

Then you send them an email: Here's an example:

Mr. Doe,

I represent one of the fastest-growing internet sites for internet business optimization, Guidebible.com. Since you seem to be doing well (at least I get that impression from your site) and you offer valuable services for web design, and since you've been obviously stable in business with significant success in what you're doing, we want to share an idea with you that we believe will provide you with a nice second stream of revenue while rendering a very noble service to your customers.

We represent a service that is a perfect noncompetitive match with what you offer your current customers. We are prepared to absorb all risk and monetary costs. In the end, everyone wins.

If you'll call me betwaeen 9 and 5 one day this week, I'll explain everything in full. It will take only about 10 minutes of your time, but it can mean thousands of dollars to your bottom line.

I think you'll be as excited as I was when I found you on the net. My number is 212-555-5555, just tell whomever answers I'm expecting your call.

Mitch Van Dusen

p.s. We are up against a few deadlines, so please get in touch with me. I really would like to work with you on this as soon as possible.

p.p.s. If you prefer, simply reply to this message with your telephone number and the best time to reach you, and I'll call you. Just be sure to include your name in the subject line so I can quickly identify your email and get riight back to you.

It is really important not to give away your plan before you have gotten them to sign a simple non-disclosure statement. Once that is done, you can tell them how it works.

So how do you track who's buying your products through your partnered business. One good way to do this is by providing a coupon number which is unique to that business. On your site, you can offer a field where a reffered customer enters their coupon number. This is also a valuable way to get their email address too. Go to http://www.guidebible.com/coupon_program.html to see an example of this. Once you get their email address and coupon number, you store this in a database and track the sales.

In the end, you really can't go wrong with this technique. And the sky really is the limit. You can contact as many business as you want. All it takes is that you are available to recieve their calls.

Good Luck.

(c) 2006 Mitch Van Dusen

Submitted by:

Mitch Van Dusen

Mitch Van Dusen is the creator of www.GuideBible.com, a site devoted to business optimization. It contains thousands of pages of free articles about everything from Marketing and RSS to SEO and Traffic. In addition it offers a free consultation evaluating the profitibility of your website.

(c) 2006 Mitch Van Dusen



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