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Create a Product in No Time at No Cost - Articles SurfingSometimes I get these sort of comments: "I haven not got much time so how can I create a product to sell via the internet?" "I have not got the expertise, so I cannot produce an ebook to sell, can I?" "I have very little money; how can I afford to pay someone to create my product for me?" What if I were to say - you can have it all! Create a product in a day. Get experts to write it for you - and they will be happy to - for nothing! And it will not even cost you to create your information product. Now you can have it all! And here is how... In another article you may have seen me mention the website GoArticles.com There are hundreds of other article directories but I'll use this one for my example today as I tell you exactly what to do to create a high value ebook in no time. Owners of websites put articles on these directories so as to get free publicity for their website. They put a bit of information about themselves, or their website, at the bottom of their article and they actually WANT people to share their article so they will get MORE publicity. It is a smart way of marketing their website. These articles are often written by experts in their field. They are willing to put in the necessary effort to write these articles so they can reap the benefits of this free advertising for years to come. Once at http://www.goarticles.com type in a key word for your niche (market, customer base, or group of people with a particular interest/problem they are willing to spend money on) into the search bar at the top right corner of the page. Make sure the search criteria is "search by content" as you will not get far if you search by author. Click the button and you will be suprised at how many articles there are for your particular niche - maybe hundreds, or possibly thousands! Say I chose 'Persian Cats' as my niche and type this into the search bar. I might get 750+ articles. I now need to sift through them and find 75 different articles of the right quality. The next step is to cut and paste them in to a word processing document. Did I forget to say, this is dead easy? You must find good quality articles. To produce ebook full of rubbish is simply going to get you payng lots of refunds. So only accept the best articles with excellent content from the start and you are set for success. You MUST now get the authors permission to use their article in your ebook. Miss this step at your peril! Email each author and explain you are creating an ebook. You have found their article and you were so impressed you would love to use it in your ebook. Explain you will make sure thier information and link back to their website is included in the ebook so if anyone is interested they can follow up on the article. You could also ask if they have any other articles you might be interested in for inclusion into the ebook. When sifting through the articles for inclusion, you might want to look for articles that look at different aspects of your chosen niche. For example, I might look for something on 'cat behaviour', cat nutrition', cat training (if there is such a thing?) and so on. These would make up the Chapters of your ebook. Once you have your replies from authors (usually 60-80% will be more than happy for you to include their article), you can refine your Chapter list. Try to be creative with this process. So far, we have: (1) gone to an article directory and searched for articles using our chosen key words - i.e. 'Persian Cats'; (2) selected 75 decent quality articles making up various topic areas; (3) emailed the authors and asked for permission so as to stay on the right side of copywrite laws; (4) put the articles we have permission to use in to imaginative chapters or sections. The last few steps are: to put your articles in a order; use the article names for your "Contents page"; and write a short introduction and conclusion. These only need to be a few paragraphs telling the reader what the book is about in broad terms. Don't forget to put your name on it and you become an expert, literally, overnight. You could also add a page or two at the front or back to sell your back-end products. To turn it in to an ebook, you will need software to turn your word processed document into a PDF. Thankfully, you can get this for free from http://www.pimopdf.com/ Download the software and install it. Open your word processor; find your document with all the articles (already sorted in order, with a cover, contents page, introduction and conclusion, etc.) and click on "file", then "Print" and select "PrimoPDF" as your printer. You now have a PDF ebook! That's it! Well done! You are now the owner and author of an information product you can sell. You will be be seen as an expert within your chosen niche and without having to write the book yourself, all within the a day (although you might have to wait a few days for the authors to reply with thier permission for you to use their articles). You could create an ebook empire very quickly and easily using this method and reap all the credit - and keep all the money! You can sell 1000s of the ebooks, or give them away as bunuses, sell 100s of them to others with resell rights... and it has not cost you a dime. Not bad for a day's work. :-)
Copyright © 1995 - 2024 Photius Coutsoukis (All Rights Reserved). |
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