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Create Your Very Own Wellspring of Profitable Ideas for Internet Marketing - Articles Surfing

Are you like me and you're beginning to see that creating income online through internet marketing is a golden opportunity? Something that we're at the forefront of, as it will just continue to grow as more and more people come online. And are you seeing that information is endless, and that people already consume huge amounts of information in the form of newspapers, magazines, books, professional journals, business journals, and on. People will never stop wanting information and if you can create information products (which is actually fairly easy to do once you learn how) to satisfy their information hunger in new ways, they will gladly pay you for it.

One of the most fruitful areas of internet marketing is found in niche marketing. This is where it really gets fun! There are endless niches and as you begin doing some research, you'll see what I mean.

There are many aspects to creating a successful online business, of which good ideas are just one; but please don't underestimate the power of having lots of good ideas that you can get excited about.

There are several great ways to generate a rich flow of ideas for niche marketing. One of the most important things to do is to keep an idea journal. A simple notebook will do. Keep it handy to jot down your ideas as they occur to you. Of course you can also use your computer, or anything that works for you. Just be sure to have something handy so you don't miss any of your ideas. Your ideas may seem at first to just trickle in, but as you make some of the following idea generators habit, you'll be opening the flow.

You can generate ideas from time spent both online and off, and you'll want to do both to be most effective.

To stimulate ideas away from your computer, heighten your everyday awareness as you go about your life. Pay attention to advertisements you encounter. Who are they selling to? What are they selling? What angles are they using to sell it?

Another excellent thing to do is spend some time studying the magazine racks at a big bookstore like Borders or Barnes & Noble. Or at the grocery store or library. Generally, the larger the selection the more ideas you can come away with. Look for 3 or 4 magazines on the same subject. If you've found 3 or 4 on the same subject, you are now aware of a trend. Read the magazines, look at the ads. You can see who the audience is and what they're interested in. You can see what is being advertized to them. Keep looking for trends of information wherever you are looking.

As for online research, there are many resources available. There are information product banks where they have articles, reports, and e-books available for resale. Browsing for an hour or so will give you lots of great ideas about what is selling well. Once again, look for trends. Clickbank.com is a great place to start. There's also a great site that, in effect, makes Clickbank searchable at cbmall.com. Look at categories you have an interest in. Look at best-selling categories. Look for ways you could combine information into a new product of your own. Look for missing information that you could provide.

Also spend some time on Amazon.com, browsing their best-seller lists, seeing what's selling most in subjects of interest to you.

Another excellent resource available to you are online discussion groups. Many such groups exist and you can usually join them for free. Lots of times in these groups there are people with problems they're trying to solve. Listen in and see if you can come up with something to help them solve their problem.

You can also find great ideas by going to web directories. These are like phone books or catalogs of the web. My favorite so far is dmoz.com which is catalogued by humans and kept up to date. No dead links or stale web pages! Spend some time browsing here.

Once you get some ideas going from the outside in, you'll begin to get more ideas from the inside out as well. Keep that notebook handy!

These are some of the ideas and resources I've been utilizing lately. I hope you find them as helpful as I have. Let's tap the abundance of this unique marketplace!

Wishing you abundance in all matters,

Carrie McLain

Submitted by:

Carrie McLain

Carrie McLain is an internet marketing newbie, but she's hot on the trail to success!




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