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Creating Effective Web Copy that Sells - Articles Surfing

Crafting Web Copy that Works

There is bound to be a time when every business will have alow ranking. The precise cause may not be known, but asolution is available. With some effort, any website canbe transformed back into the traffic generating machinethat it once was. With a little knowledge of how searchengines function and by using the right keywords, thedamage can be repaired.

To keep with the times, businesses need a web copy writer onboard that is highly experienced in SEO (Search EngineOptimized) keywords. If you're creative enough, you cantake a stab at it yourself. Use caution though, you wantthe content to be rich in keywords but not overpowering.

A few tips to consider...

First, whatever you already know about writing, forget.Web copy needs to be written in a conversational style sofragments and sentences ending in prepositions are fine.

Be careful to employ a font that doesn't hurt the eyes ofyour readers. Fonts like Verdana, Arial, and Times NewRoman are good for web copy. And remember, you want thecontent to flow so that the reader does not get confusedand need to reread things.

SEO Guidelines

A good thing to remember when writing SEO copy is that itis better to use less to say more. Many surfers merelyscan the content for important points so there is no needfor long paragraphs. Leave out any language that makes yousound like an intellectual and just use the basic commandsof the English Language.

Paragraphs: at least 3 sentences but not more than 5
Headers: 5-8 words
Sentences: should not exceed 20 words
Total words: 350

The keyword madness appears little more than a cruel jokeat times. What exactly are keywords and who uses themanyway? What search engine should I employ?

Yahoo and Google are search engines that employ text(keyword/keyword phrase) that is entered into a search boxto find web addresses. So, if you are looking for agardener, you would enter "gardening service" or perhaps"lawn care provider" into the search engine. The searchengine will then scour the web and find all websitesassociated with those phrases. Keyword positioning onyour pages are used to determine how quickly the searchengines find your site.

Prior to starting, you want to list all of the words thatcould possibly be associated with the goods or servicessole on your website. These words need to be realistic. Abona fide web copy writer can weave these words in and outof the content so that the copy reads well and isinformative at the same time.

You need to make your home page the focal point. Headingsshould have no fewer than 6 words but not exceed 8. Makesure your keywords appear in the heading but make sensedoing so to increase your odds.

Acting as a sales letter, this page needs to be easy to readyet clear and to the point. Introduce your visitor to yourbusiness as if you were chatting with a friend. But, fillthe content will keywords that flow, weaving in and out ofparagraphs.

Big Mistakes

Writing search engine friendly content takes time andpractice. The biggest mistake new writers make is jumpinginto writing SEO web copy without a clear understanding ofhow keywords work. The pages are full of words that make nosense to the reader, and ultimately result in no hits.

Selling is about educating customers about the benefits ofbuying from you. Don't waste time on the features, theycan learn about them in later pages. People always want toknow what is in it for them should they buy from you sothis is what you need to concentrate on telling them.

Not editing your web copy properly can also be a hugeproblem. Grammar errors leave a poor first impression.Rule of thumb is to have a second party review your work,and be consistent!

Web pages are little more than a connected chain ofinformation. Every page prods visitors into probing deeperinto your site with the ultimate goal being to convincethem to buy from you. If the search engines are notdirecting people to your site, you will never have a chanceto tell people about your great company and what it has tooffer them.

Submitted by:

Nyall Bakk

Nyall Bakk is the chief writer at Advertising WorldWide it's one of the webs most up to date Business sites, their free newsletter is well worth signing up for too.

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