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Creating Inbound Links, Traffic and Sales - Articles Surfing

Creating inbound links to your website is one of the best ways for you to increase your all important traffic, sales and search engine rankings. Recently the major search engines have begun placing more and more importance on the number and types of inbound links that a website receives, when determining how well they rate a website. Inbound links also help you to reach more customers, more quickly.

One way to dramatically improve the number of inbound links that you are getting is to write informative articles on your area of expertise. These articles will carry a textbox with information about you the author and will also contain a link back to your website. These articles then need to get as many sets of eyes on them as possible.

If you are willing to take the time to write a quality article related to your website and offer some useful information to the reader, you can get this article published in multiple newsletters and ezines. For each article that gets published in an ezine, you can realistically expect that your article and, more importantly, your link can be seen and visited by thousands or tens of thousands of people. The key is what actions you take to get your article to those publishers and thus their readers/customers.

There are a few established and experienced distributors who have been connecting the inbound link articles to the appropriate publishers for a number of years. These established distributors have well-forged relationships with the publishers with whom they work. A distributor will, for a small fee, take your article and review it and send it out to the publishers of the ezines and newsletters. Once the publishers review the article and deem it as appropriate and relevant to their publication, they will send it out to their readers inside of their ezine or newsletter. The number of readers that a publisher has varies from dozens to hundreds of thousands. The publishers agree to post your textbox with a link back to your website, so that the readers of the article can know who gave them this important and quality information about their area of interest. Then a percentage of the readers will click your inbound link and visit your website. As a result, you will be able to increase your traffic and your sales.

If the newsletter publisher archives their ezine or newsletter on their website, then you can also count on the improvement of your search engine rankings as a result of the additional documented inbound links to your website.

If you write an article and submit it for distribution, you could track the percentage increase in the amount of traffic and/or the number of inbound links that you are getting to your website. Depending upon what value you place on web traffic (that converts to buying customers), this can be a very cost effective way for you get that traffic. Let's suppose that your article goes out to 10,000 readers and of those 10,000 readers 1,000 of them click the inbound link to your site. Now of those 1,000 lets imagine that 100 of those purchase your product or service. How much is 100 new customers worth to you? Is it worth taking the time to write out an informative article to show that you are an expert in your area? Is it worth the nominal fee that the distributor will charge you for this service? Most will answer with a resounding "yes" to these questions.

Now, you can elect to go about the distribution process on your own and save the money that you would pay a distributor, but consider the following.

* Where do you begin to find the targeted publishers and audiences?

* How do you get the publishers convinced that your articles are worth publishing?

* Publishers will not accept poorly written articles or outright advertisements, because they want to keep their readers happy and offer them something of real value.

* There have been some who attempted to do their own distribution to the publishers and spent hours or even days getting it done. In the end, they could only reach a small number of publishers.

* An established distributor who already has a list of the major publishers can do the same work for you in a matter of hours.

* An established distributor has also already developed good relationships with the publishers, so that the publishers know that they are getting quality materials from the distributor. This means that the publishers are more likely to use the article that you wrote.

You just have to decide if you want to do it yourself and save a small amount of money and hope that the inbound links come, or if you want to spend a little to have experts distribute for you.

Once your article is distributed and reaches the targeted publishers and targeted audiences, you can do an analysis on how much it cost you to get each new visitor. A simple Return On Investment (ROI) analysis will show you how much you paid for each of the new inbound links that you are receiving.

In addition, remember that quite a few webmasters may pick up your articles as a result of the distribution service sending your article out, and some of the ezine publishers will print your article in their online archives. These additional new inbound links are going to dramatically affect your search engine rankings with major search engines, since the search engine companies have begun to place so much value on inbound links.

Take some time and write a few informative articles, and then contact an experienced distributor to help get your article published. Then, you can watch with glee as the traffic to your website, sales at your website, and inbound links to your website increase dramatically.

Submitted by:

Trey Pennewell

Trey Pennewell is a writer for thePhantomWriters.com Article Distribution Service. If you need software to help track your ROI for your article marketing activities, go to: http://thephantomwriters.com/x.pl/tpw/software/redirecturls.html.

The article distribution groups we own and manage, go to: http://thephantomwriters.com/x.pl/tpw/info/groups/management.html .

These distribution groups/lists are only a small portion of our full article distribution reach. In business Since 2001.



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