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Do You Have a Wealthy Attitude? - Articles Surfing

Wealthy people are conniving, selfish, lazy monsters who will steal your last penny if you let them, or so that's what I was raised to believe.

Fortunately, through my work and various associations, I've spent time with many of these 'monsters', and discovered that nothing could be farther from the truth.

In fact, over the years I've learned that wealthy people are the hardest working, most generous people one could ever meet.

Obviously, the fear-based attitudes about money that were instilled during my childhood were not only incorrect, they didn't produce more for me than a steady job.

And no job, no paycheck. No matter how well-paid you are, that's not wealth, that's a dangerous rut.

To me, wealth means income that is generated on a continuous and ongoing basis, whether or not I'm working specifically on that project or investment at any given time.

I knew that if I wanted to live a richer, fuller life, I'd have to let go of my old beliefs and adopt healthier, more productive attitudes to acquiring wealth.

So I set out to learn about the commonly held beliefs and values shared by wealthy people.

The first commonality was obvious. Wealthy people all value their time too highly to exchange it for a paycheck, and therefore they work for themselves. The exception to this is made when they'll work for a company in their chosen industry to gain experience or be mentored.

Truly wealthy folks know that there is no such thing as 'get r*ch quick' and understand that businesses are built, and wealth is acquired, through being of service to others. They find a need and fill it with excellent products and highly quality customer service. Having their customers' trust and support, their businesses stand the test of time.

All, without fail, regularly give a portion of their time and money to help those less fortunate.

The wealthy also place great emphasis on healthy nutrition and regular exercise. After their work day is over, rather than flop on the couch to watch a rerun of 'Friends' (and West Wing, and Coronation Street, and Frasier...) they'll opt for a run or a friendly game of squash. They understand that exercise is an activity that creates energy, whereas succumbing to the temptation to 'flake-out' leaves you feeling even more exhausted.

While out on that run, they put the increased oxygen flow to good use by thinking, thinking and thinking some more. They forumulate business plans and strategies for the short, medium and long-term. They know that their vision for a happy, solid future for themselves and their familes is built on goals and the specific plans to achieve them.

Family is their top priority. Everything they do is for the purpose of helping to improve the lives of their family members.

Above all, they approach life with gratitude. They know in their hearts that there is more than enough wealth on the planet for everyone to share. They know that whatever effort they make, whatever they choose to give, will be returned to them many times over.

>From that perspective, they have no fear, and it's fear, not money, that is the root of all evil. Fear causes people to hold on tight and act in greedy, selfish ways. Give to receive.. it's really that simple.

The 'good life' may seem like a lot of hard work, and it is! But if you truly want to enjoy the good life, then do the 'work' of setting goals, staying healthy, and being of service to others with joy and an open heart. You'll be delighted by the rewards work can bring when you approach life with a wealthy attitude.

Submitted by:

Rosalind Gardner

Article by Rosalind Gardner, author of the best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". To learn how you too can suceed in Internet and affiliate marketing, go to: http://NetProfitsToday.com.



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