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Do You Want to Fire Your Boss? - Articles Surfing

Yes! You can fire your Boss and make yourself your own Boss!

Promoting or selling other people's stuff on the net can make you earn a comfortable living that will give you confidence to quit from your job! You can do that by joining an affiliate programs.

What is an affiliate program?

Affiliate programs refers also to associate programs, referral program or bounty program. It is the most famous and the best sales and marketing strategy ever used by most of the companies or sellers on the web from small to large-scale companies. This allows 'other people or companies" to promote or sell their products or stuff for a commission or other consideration. That 'other people or companies" are called "Affiliates" or "Associates" and the owners of the products or services and of the affiliate program are called "Sponsors".

Many affiliates are earning considerable amount of commissions up to more than $10, 000 a month and even hundreds of thousand dollars, through this affiliate scheme. Because of this, most of them stopped working as an employee and focus on affiliate marketing at their own time, own pace, own strategy and most importantly, at home with their families without seeing a face of the annoying BOSS!

How will you earn and receive commission?

As an affiliate, you do not need to maintain a stock of products or services of your own or of your sponsors. You will be only required to promote their stuff, by putting your sponsors' banners or text links on your site pages or by posting ads on other sites or by sending emails to your relatives, friends and acquaintances. Your sponsors will give you an affiliate or tracking code or link. When an interested visitors click the banners or text links with your affiliate code or link from your site or promotion page, they will be directed to your sponsor's website.

The affiliate code or link will be the reference of your sponsor to identify that those visitors came through your referral or from your promotional page. Once those visitors completed transactions that are subject to commissions, your sponsor will credit your account for the equivalent commissions from those transactions. Your commissions will be accumulated and be sent to you by check, wire transfer, direct deposit and by other means based on your affiliate agreement.

There are different ways to earn a commission from affiliate program. You may earn on the basis of pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, pay per sale or through referring another affiliate. In pay-per-click, the affiliate earns commission when a visitor clicks the sponsor's link. In pay-per-lead, the affiliate earns commission when a visitor click the sponsor's links and completed a transaction without buying a product, like completing a inquiry form or survey or quotation form. While on a pay per sale, you will earn a flat rate or a percentage of sales prices. Some of the programs are offering up to 80% commission.

How can you join an affiliate?

Generally, affiliate programs require the applicants to have a working website where you can promote their products. However, some of them will allow you to promote or sell their products through posting ads with ad sites or by emailing people but absolutely no spamming or you will be kicked out.

For this purpose, www.freetipsandwits.com has compiled a reliable affiliate or associate programs on web with site description and commission details. Reliable? Yes, because there are websites that are being managed by opportunists who are offering an affiliate programs but will not report all your earned commissions or worst, they will not pay you. So, beware of them.

What are the affiliate programs that you should join?

To start your journey of firing your Boss or quitting your job, you have to start joining affiliate programs NOW before others do and begin earning THOUSANDS of DOLLARS. I recommend that you start with Affiliate Networks to give you a wide variety of choices of products or services to sell or promote. Each affiliate network offers several affiliate programs of various companies including the makers of the world's famous brands and products. The Network site will record and monitor the commissions that you will earn from various programs and pays you in only one check on a scheduled payment date. That's very convenient as you will be virtually dealing with only one site in promoting programs of various companies.

Visit www.freetipsandwits.com and check Affiliate Networks listed in the Affiliate Program Directory.

More tips to succeed in affiliate marketing

To help you succeed, visit www.freetipsandwits.com and read affiliate marketing tips.

With hardwork, patience and continuous learning, I am confident that you will be a successful affiliate marketer in the near future. You will be working at home with your family at your own time, at your own pace and with your own strategies'That will be the time that you've fired your BOSS and made yourself your own BOSS!

Submitted by:

Hardi Budd

Hardi Budd is affiliated with www.freetipsandwits.com. He wants to help others to be successful in affiliate marketing or online business. He contributed significantly in improving www.freetipsandwits.com. He continuously introducing new things in the site to help visitors including newbie webmasters in affiliate marketing or making money online.



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