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Double or Triple Your Income as a Consultant or Coach - Articles Surfing

When I asked you to send in your questions about what youmost wanted to know about consulting many of you asked, *Howdo I begin.* And *How do I get clients.* One way to begin isto speak at the Learning Annex or other Adult LearningCenters. These centers offer classes in everything frombuying real estate to becoming a screenwriter and everythingin-between. They can be a lucrative place to start aconsulting practice--if you know how to work the system.

1. Know the marketplace.

In any industry you need to know what your competitors offerand where you fill the gaps between your products andservices and theirs. Pick up a Learning Annex catalog inyour area and see what's *hot*. In San Francisco for examplethe flavor of the moment is real-estate and live p.or.n. Idoubt that po.rn plays in Minnesota.

2. Pitch your class.

Once you know the marketplace and your place in it you pitchan idea for a class that your catalog doesn't have. Do asearch on the Internet. See how people language what theydo. Search also for articles that pertain to your industry.Find a twist on an idea that's proven successful and send iton to the program director. One of my client's class wasrejected at The Learning Annex, but once we changed thetitle and created bullet points in the format of the catalogit got accepted at all the Learning Annex's nationwide--thevery next day. It was the same information, just packageddifferently to suit the marketplace.

3. Teach your class.

Once you've secured your class make sure it's informationthat's fascinating and fresh. Create interactive activitiesand encourage participation as people learn best whenthey're actually doing or speaking. Use examples from yourown experience, readings, insights, professional and familylife. The specifics are what make your subject pop. Forexample, in the first Learning Annex Class I taught called,*Get on the Fast-Track to Fame* about how to ramp up yourpublicity campaign quickly, I discussed the 4 Ps--Plan,Prepare, Practice, and Promote which are the foundation of agood publicity plan. For each P I gave an example of how Ihelped clients develop and implement a marketing plan, thenget media placements (get interviewed in print andbroadcast) that resulted in a dramatic increase in theirbusiness--including doubling and tripling book and productsales.

4. Promote your products and services seamlessly.

Just like when I media coach people I recommend that youhave success stories that pertain to your topic and help youmake a point interwoven with your facts and information.Lots of times people don't really understand what it is youdo--or that you're available for consulting or coaching. Bygiving examples of how you've helped your clients andcustomers people automatically *get it*. At the end of theclass if no one asks about your services say, *One of thequestions people frequently ask is, how can they work withme one on one or with their team?* Then answer it so peopleknow exactly how they can hire you and what their next stepsare.

5. Secure testimonials.

Have participants fill out evaluations so you'll know whatworked and what didn't. You'll quickly be able to improveyour class and understand what matters most to yourprospective clients. You'll also be able to see where youcan assist them better through your consulting and coaching.You can also use those testimonials on your website and onthe phone to get new clients. Happy customers and referralsare the best way to get business.

This information was adapted from Secrets to SkyrocketingYour Speaking & Writing Career and Speak at The LearningAnnex' and Adult Learning Centers to Skyrocket YourConsulting, Coaching and Product Sales at:http://www.prsecrets.com/store/skyrocket-janal-cd.html

Submitted by:

Susan Harrow

Copyright (c) 2006 by Susan Harrow. All rights reserved.

Susan Harrow, CEO of PRSecrets.com and BookedOnOprah.com, isa top media coach, marketing strategist and author of *SellYourself Without Selling Your Soul* (HarperCollins), *TheUltimate Guide to Getting Booked on Oprah*, and *Get a 6-Figure Book Advance.* Clients include Fortune 500 CEOs,bestselling authors and entrepreneurs who have appeared onOprah, 60 Minutes, NPR, and in TIME, USA Today, Parade,People, O, NY Times, WSJ, and Inc.



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