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I've become quite intrigued by the information on Longer Life's Opportunity page ...

It's not just the article I find interesting. Some of the ads that it attracts and the research I've subsequently done indicate that the cyberworld of e-currency exchange will prove to be a rather fertile topic for review.

I agree with the Bonanza article's conclusion, that some form of unified system for e-currency exchange is inevitable and, if DXinOne can actually deploy theirs to the cyberpublic, then they're going to become a household name within the decade.

They do seem to have chosen an unusual way to go about it, though. Mention is made of their being in a beta mode for their membership, but I have yet to find anything that officially states this. Their home page is announcing that a public rollout of their cyberservices is forthcoming anon, but I cannot find a launch date.

All this could explain the claims in some of the DX ads that populate the Opportunity page. All are quite emphatic about their ability to teach you how to navigate the DXWaters. In fact, they're competitive to the point that some ads are not above taking swipes at their competitors. Who knows? DX ads could be the 21st century's version of the Cola Wars!

With their turf war comprising a blend of excitement and ferocity, I view this as yet another indication that DXinOne is indeed on to something big. These ads are evidence that public demand for this business is truly present and expanding.

I would strongly advise, though, that if you're thinking about becoming a member of DXinOne, you thoroughly explore your options before doing so.

A key point in the Bonanza article is that when you commit funds to the DXiO system, you're making a deal with DXinOne that you're establishing a form of credit line to enable you to operate as an e-currency exchange merchant. You are not making pure cash profits. To me, this makes sense. In fact, I think it's an ingenious device by DXinOne to entice and train a work force of independent contractors!

The caveat in some of the ads, then, is in how they are attempting to attract you to their teaching services. I'm seeing the word 'profits' espoused quite liberally, and from my perspective, not in the correct context.

I do not see DXinOne making these claims. In fact, they seem to distance themselves from any hype about the money that can be made. If they're taking that stance, then you should take note of it.

I've found a few quality forums that appear to have a firm anchor of experienced DXinOne members. They appear quite willing to provide considerable information about this business at no cost to you. They are quite clear that they have no affiliation with DXinOne and they appear to be more interested in enlightenment than in promotion of the system. I would recommend DX-Truth and DX4Dummies as the best of these resources. They seem to be genuinely interested in helping others. As with most forums, it's a good idea to lurk for a while before corresponding. In fact, that may be all you need to do to gain a better understanding of how DXinOne operates. You could save the message posting until after you've chosen to become a member.

As to the teaching systems being advertised, I think they have a place, too. I find value in having a step-by-step tutorial available to me when making an investment is involved. Because of this, my criteria for purchase is not the product's cost, but its content. I'd look for the most straightforward sales pitch; money-back guarantees are fine, but unless there's a physical address and phone number to accompany them, I consider them to be inconsequential.

With all this information available --- both free and for sale --- I'm amazed that there still appears to be a multitude of people who have entered the DXinOne system without really understanding it. From what I've seen so far, many of these people are truly hard-of-thinking. Make sure you're not one of them.

DXinOne looks like it could be an e-gold mine. Just remember that in history's other gold rushes, only a few emerged successfully. Do your homework before you spend your money.

The truth is out there. Make use of it.

Submitted by:

J Square Humboldt

J Square Humboldt is the featured columnist at the Longer Life website, which is dedicated to providing information, strategies, analysis and commentary designed to improve the quality of living. His page can be found at http://longerlifegroup.com/cyberiter.html and his observations are published three times per week.



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