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It's time to take a look at how the world of e-currency exchange is faring these days ...

For the record, I'm still extremely impressed with the DXinOne concept that is described on Longer Life's 'Opportunity' page. It's very clear to me that DXiO is creating a fee-based exchange service for which a strong demand is already evident in the burgeoning world of e-commerce.

It's just as clear that the DXG 'portfolios' are an innovative form of credit enhancement designed to provide inherent bonuses for those independent contractors who operate within the DXiO system. Funds provided by these contractors are not intended to be an 'investment' in a 'securities' sense, but rather a commitment of individual working capital.

It is also obvious to ascertain that the DXG 'market' is closed-ended, so it's being strongly manipulated by DXiO to achieve whatever performance results they desire to gauge during the 'beta' exercise they're currently conducting. There is no distinct definition of what each DXG symbol represents or who controls it. The only assumption to be made is that it's related in some manner to a similar 'beta' exercise in day-term equity lending for the purpose of conducting e-currency exchanges reflected in their internal system.

If you decide to become involved, base your actions upon the following premises:

1. Do not consider revenues generated in their controlled test market to be profits; rather, they are simply capital utilization for which a cost will be assigned.

2. Budget for a year of initial involvement, as the requirements for receipt of a console --- ie- full incorporation into the system --- states terms that list a minimum of three months before its receipt is possible.

3. Your capital commitment to a controlled environment should not exceed 20% of your intended beta commitment, with the balance remaining in external accounts to which you would have total control and access, ie- e-currency accounts that were under your signature, which would allow you the flexibility to make any capital adjustments within the controlled environment that might become necessary.

4. Accept that a 'beta test' is exactly that, and many adjustments in the controlled system will be likely to occur.

My opinion from the onset has been and still is that DXiO is deploying an ingenious method of training a workforce for which no salaries will be paid and no benefits will be owed. It's a franchise system, to be sure, with each independent contractor naming his own level of commitment.

However, I have also believed from the start of my observations that DXiO is a very poor communicator of its system and its intentions, which makes its 'franchise' strategy a slight risk, not only for the independent beta contractor but for its own reputation. In the financial services sector --- both in the physical world and in cyberspace --- the latter is far more important than the former. That means that DXiO has as much or more to lose than the independent contractor (although from each individual's perspective, that is probably a difficult point to accept).

I understand DXiO's desire to accumulate as large a 'test' group as possible --- they want to be a global phenomenon, after all --- but I think that, to date, given its inability to accurately convey its business plan, the current test group may be too big for them. Under their current conditions, they're attempting to span too many cultures with too wide a range of perspectives, expectations and communication skills.

So, before any real progress can be made with their system, they're going to have to make one of three choices:

a. Set stricter parameters of operation,

b. Significantly reduce the size of the test group, or

c. Both.

I don't believe DXinOne is overly concerned with their beta-customer relations at this stage, so go into this venture knowing that you've got to find your own support. Again, I would recommend the DX4Dummies forum. User support will only become a higher priority to DXiO when their product rollout achieves a more public profile.

Once DXiO can provide a better indication of their value and viability --- and I think their recent offerings such as Blue Chip Access portend to this point --- I believe that they will realize a higher level of capital commitment from entities who see their system's imminence as the standard for the financial sector of cyberbusiness. This will literally amount to millions of dollars and will probably trump most, if not all, complaints or assertions from beta participants.

Thus, I believe any beta participants who wish to remain involved should begin to adjust their circumstances accordingly.

Submitted by:

J Square Humboldt

J Square Humboldt is the featured columnist at the Longer Life website, which is dedicated to providing information, strategies, analysis and commentary designed to improve the quality of living. His page can be found at http://longerlifegroup.com/cyberiter.html and his observations are published three times per week.



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