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Ebay Hot Tips - Articles Surfing

eBay Hot Tips

The worlds largest online auction site, continues to dominate the online shopping world. Review these basic tips for eBay buyers and sellers before bidding or selling.

No matter where or when you bought an item you can turn around and sell it, sometimes for more than what you paid. The eBay marketplace is no longer a phenomenon; it's a hobby and even a way of life for millions of addicts around the globe. But no matter how much you sell on eBay, odds are you're missing a few opportunities to maximize your bottom line. Here are some tips that can help

eBay Buyers Tips

Leave eBay feedback only after receiving the product and addressing any issues you may have with the seller via e-mail.

Use the numerous "My eBay" resources to keep track of your bids and offers and get e-mail notifications on your bids.

Watch the eBay.com feedback very closely. This is most important in judging seller credibility. Don't buy from eBay.com sellers with under 10 feedback ratings if possible. Be especially careful of anyone with negatives on large ticket items.

Pay promptly.

Always leave eBay.com feedback.

Respond to all questions from inquiring eBay bidders promptly.

Try to comprehend the power of the Internet. People run their business from the Internet, search for love, research succulent recipes, plan vacations, and best of all - they SHOP!

The most popular public auction site, eBay, is where people gather to find anything from dishes to jewelry to houses and just about everything in between. Last year there was even a mother sold on eBay!

You can purchase amazing original artwork from China, have it signed by the artist, and shipped directly to your home.

The other side of buying is the selling. Anyone can sell anything on eBay. Open an account, list your product, and wait for the bids to start coming in. There are secrets to being a power seller on eBay. People may check more ideas on http://www.realmoneysolution.com.

eBay Sellers' Tips

Always list a photo in your eBay.com auction, even if it's a stock picture from the Internet.

Are you ready to learn how to be an eBay seller? You will find it to be easy, fun, and exciting.

1. Collectibles

Hot sellers on eBay are collectibles such as coins, stamps, or dolls.

2. Consumables

This category would include anything that people use and then would need to buy again such as lotions, camera film, candles, perfumes etc.

Is the item you're posting on eBay new or just opened and never used or in fair condition? These seemingly small details can often make the difference in a higher bid for your product.

Mention comments in your follow up e-mail after your eBay.com auction is closed.

Send the merchandise only after you have received payment for your eBay.com auction item, even if it's from a family member.

Leave comments only after the eBay.com buyer confirms receipt of the product, either via e-mail or the eBay.com comments form.

Look before you list. Before you list your item, perform a quick, title-only search on eBay for items similar to yours.

Scrutinize the most successful sales and see how the sellers have described and promoted their items in order to earn top dollar.

Submitted by:

Samuel Colon

My name is Samuel Colon, Online Business Man, the owner of http://www.realmoneysolution.com. If you are searching for a business opportunity so you can work from home, or an online home based job or idea that can help you change your career or generate extra income. Let us help you. We have compiled a comprehensive list of opportunities and ideas for you to investigate.



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