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Bang It In Today - Articles Surfing


The time has come to bid you goodbye.. It was a pleasure having you on the list. Over the last few months I got an opportunity to touch your life and I am grateful for that.

We conducted the Power Pause Workshop which became a runaway hit and we pride ourselves of the fact that we had to put a good number of people on the waiting list for this workshop. I want to thank John personally for taking time out from his busy schedule and being on the teleseminars and answering each and every question. We also had the Spiritual Simplicity package which raised many an eyebrow in the self help industry. People were wondering how someone who had never invested $9 could invest $249 but perhaps they never understood the secret' They only saw the result and so were left astonished. They thought I was scanning libraries and taking notes from great books and writing long emails. Good for me they thought that way !

Why am I telling you all this today? For the simple reason that if you go back and check each and every email I wrote to you over the last two months and re-read it again you will find that the words and sentences I used would have appealed more to your heart than to your intellect. And I did it on purpose. Infact if you would have been alert you would have found that those words infact touched and healed many affected areas within you even as you were reading those emails.You think all this is a joke. Do you think that if you come back from work and spend ten minutes blowing from your nose and practicing some weird exercise a light is going to dawn on you? What nonsense!. You think all the great masters were fools ' There is something that you are missing here. Something really big and today I want to give you the greatest gift of your life.

A conditional power is not a power, a power that works for ten or twenty years and then breaks down is not a power, a power that is imposed on Matter like a fistblow, by stretching it like a rubber band is not a power - a power that does not change Matter itself is not a power. It is Matter itself that must be changed. We must create a new physical nature. The true change of consciousness, Mother emphasized is one that will change the physical conditions of the world and turn it into an entirely new creation... Aurobindo

The last 10 days I have been feeling very low. Very low to the point that I did not do a single thing. I wanted to go through that experience it has been quite a while since I had that. I did it on purpose rather John asked me to do it. I wanted to find out if it is at all possible to go from a point of feeling very low to feeling very good and then sustaining that feeling all through the day. Is that really possible? Can it be achieved in less than 24 hours or can it be achieved in less than an hour?If a person is broke, if someone is having horrible problems with his/her mate or if someone is suffering from an illness which he/she is not able to get over for a very long time can a turnaround, a massive turnaround happen within 24 hours or in less than an hour?

Is it at all possible? or are we just giving ourselves a chance by thinking positive?

The last ten days I was thinking and contemplating about all this. Infact by the seventh day I found it impossible to motivate myself to get out of all this.It was something which I got into voluntarily for experimenting but I found out that it was pulling me deeper and deeper into a trench.

There are some great books written which gives us lot of hope, lots of wonderful authors exist who can take your life to the next level but I wanted to come up with something greater than all this. From the point of feeling low not only did I want each and everyone of you to feel good but also to enable you to get exactly what you want in less than 24 hours. I have always felt that Spirituality is way too powerful. It is like touching the life force getting in direct contact with the energy of the universe and it has got this uncanny ability to facilitate massive turnaround in your life. I have always been of the opinion that if spirituality cannot bring changes in your day to day life than it is of no use and we should not waste our time talking about it at all. If only monks and saints could embrace spirituality so be it why bother talking about it? But the fact is this is completely untrue.

Spirituality can bring you bundles of love, it can bring you tons of cash it can help you regain your lost health. You might wonder what I am talking about. I am serious about all this today. Read the title of today's email I said ' Bang it In'

We live in a body we house a mind and our thoughts travel distance. But what lies beyond the body, the mind and thoughts? It is Energy , the life force. From the time you get up to the time you go back to sleep have you ever reflected on 'Where you bang your energy into'. You bang it into bodies, into minds, into thoughts. All day and night your energy comes in contact with other bodies with other minds with other thoughts but rarely does it go beyond the body, the mind, the thoughts and touch the energy. You never come in contact with the life force which runs this universe. Decades after Decades pass by and you continue to live in this body house this mind and feed your thoughts. Some become successful some do not but everyone in the end miss something big something magical' something which they cannot call their own''..

The last ten days have been horrible for me. I have never felt so low but out of it came something extraordinary which I want to present to you . A magical tool which any person irrespective of his/her background and intelligence can use to bring closure to all their sufferings and to literally see results within 24 hours or maybe even less than an hour. The Godfather of Secret I can name it as. At the end of the ten day period a calmness slowly descended on to me. I remained in that state for two hours. I then went to my office three people were waiting for me. It was as if it was all planned. I spoke for a little less than 70 minutes to each of them. Time stood still watching me. I was amazed at the intensity of the thoughts that came out of me. At the end of the call my eyes met theirs and a silence enveloped the whole space and serenity, prosperity and peace were in full attendance in each of those three beings. The magical tool was ready to be served to the world. I called up John.It was late at night. Though he does not say anything I know for the fact he does not like to be disturbed during private times but this time I had to get the message to him. I said 'John '.' and I began''Barely five minutes into the conversation John stopped me. He said only one word which he rarely uses'..


And so I want to gift you with this magical tool. My way of saying thanks to you for being on my list. Remember this is not the secret . It is the Godfather of Secret'

It is not a book, it is a magical tool, a wizard, a genie so as to say to help you make the switch from the point of feeling so low and frustrated to a point of feeling damn good and also to get exactly what you want in less than 24 hours.

This is no joke my dear friend. I have spent 240 hours feeling so low during the last ten days and a million hours before that and I know exactly how horrible it is. But everything has to change and change it will for you.

So how are we going to make this happen?

Here is how.

On October 25th we would be having a live teleseminar and a webcast for close to 70 minutes. We would keep it at a time which is convenient for people from all over the world. And in case you miss it you will have the recording of the same so you don't have to worry. There are two important things to be noted when you are attending the live call.

We want you to see the results during the seminar itself so you will have to have someone whom you dearly love with you on the call. It could be your son, your daughter,your friend, your partner, your father, your mother, or whoever it is but someone whom you dearly love'. This is very important and if you cannot find anyone that is still ok but I am sure you will'

2 Ensure that you have a blank notepad and a blue and red pen with you on the callThat is it. I will let you decide the cost of this magical tool at the end of the call but I want to tell you that as I am writing this email there are seminars conducted where people are paying more than $5000 per person to learn certain secrets(you know this better than me) and what I am going to tell you on the call does not even figure in any of those seminars. Lest you misunderstand me I am not saying that those seminars are good or bad I am only saying that you can go attend them and then come back and be in this teleseminar and if you don't let out a wild scream at the end of this teleseminar then I will refund your high priced ticket on the spot.

Why am I sometimes forceful in my talk? It is because we all need momentum in life. We all need a little push, a nudge and even if we trip a little and fall down it is fine we are in motion and more importantly we are moving in the right direction '..

The price is not going to be a three figure sum. Our phones have already started ringing and some very top internet gurus have approached us for joint venture for this telseminar and talking about $497. Remember this is no ordinary talk we are giving away a magical tool. It is a magical tool to help you make the switch very easily from the point of feeling so low and frustrated to a point of feeling damn good and also to get exactly what you want in less than 24 hours. But for all those on this list the price is not going to be an issue at all. '.

I am going to sweeten the pot for you by not only handing you the magical tool in the teleseminar but also making you rich by $297. Yes you would be able to take away John's most prized collection 'The 12 Power Principles' which was in the making for more than 18 months.

These 12 Power Principles could be placed in a category next only to the Bible , The Bhagavad Gita the Quran and all those great scriptures. It contains more than 16 hours of step by step audio which will take you from a place of restlessness and discord to comfort and peace. If I talk about this Power Principle or even show you the details you will be stunned.

Submitted by:


Lecturer, entrepreneur and Fortune 500 business consultant, Vish Writer is the author of the Amazon No 1 bestseller, "The Joy of Becoming God". Visit him at Spiritual SimplicityThe Real Secret



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