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Have You Noticed Something Missing? - Articles Surfing

No matter where you look, water is becoming scarce. Ponds, lakes and rivers are drying up at record pace. Some reports indicate that we are the driest in over one hundered years. Why are we in such a dilemma?

Wake up people, it's our own fault. 'Global Warming' is not just talk anymore, we need to wake up and realize that the only ones to blame are ourselves. There are too many indications that we could have done something sooner, yet people were too interested in the all mighty dollar and profits from turning a blind eye to the environment have soared into the billions. It is not just talk anymore. If 'Global Warming' were just talk, then how is it that the Polar Bears will soon to become extinct? They are dieing at record numbers? How is it that the penguin populations are dwindling and at the current pace will disappear off the face of the earth in our lifetime? What has happened to the Honey Bees? They are simply vanishing.

The Polar bears are getting harder and harder to find these days. They are loosing their land at record pace. Reports indicate that as the ice cap continues to melt and shifts break off large pieces of the glaciers, this separates the Polar Bear from the connected land and while trying to swim to the 'New Shore', they drown.

With the warming of the planet, there is a seasonal shift taking place. This seasonal shift is throwing off the migration patterns of the penguins and other migratory creatures. This shift affects the reproductive habits and reproduction is all but eliminated. For hundreds of years, the penguin makes a journey to reproduce. With the warming of the waters, the air and the amount of heat, the penguins are confused and are not reproducing at normal intervals, thus less young which could mean the end of that species as well.

A new report that baffles even the most astute scientist lie with the massive disappearance of the honey bee. The all important Honey Bee is disappearing at alarming rates all over the country. Hives are simply vanishing. There are no signs of them dying off, but they are not producing honey and are not anywhere to be found. This can and more than likely will cripple all fruit harvests as well as other harvest that rely on pollination to reproduce. Virtually anything we grow, in the coming future will be smaller in size, crops will be smaller in quantity and we will be paying an arm and a leg for just 1 apple.

We are smart enough to improve our lifestyles with all the inventions that have come out in just the last fifteen to twenty years, but at what cost? If we continue to disregard this true and undeniable situation, all that cool stuff, our toys, will not mean a thing. There will come a day when we will not be able to go outside without special glasses to block the damaging sun from burning our eyes. We will have to wear protective suits to protect from the radiation because the O-Zone layer will have deteriorated so much, and that is not something we can fix. Once the )-Zone layer is gone, it's gone and then it will be too late for anything. We will not be able to go outside at all anymore.

Everyone has to do their part. If you ask yourself what you can do, it's the little things that count. All little things make a difference. If you have a small trip to the store, say 5 miles o r so, take an electric scooter. Don't waste gas on short trips. If you look at it, a few short trips will actually pay for your scooter and you will be doing your part to preserve the environment.

Submitted by:

M.D. Smith

M.S. owns TM-MotorWorks Scooter Store and features electric scooters. He also writes on varous topics of personal interest as well as consumer realted issues. Interested in an Electric Powered Scooter?



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