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How To Move Toward A Learned Optimism - Articles Surfing

What is optimism? Is it natural or developmental? For some fortunate individuals who were naturally born happy, carefree, and jolly, it is easy to be optimistic at all times. But there are a lot more individuals who see a lot more negativity. Feeling negative almost all the time is not entirely abnormal either and oftentimes these people have a greater potential inside them that only need more effort to unlock.

Optimism from a personal point of view is an attitude by which negative emotions such as fear, sadness, and insecurity are replaced by the exact opposite emotions. In this way people begin finding a positive aspect out of these negative tendencies and the result can be monumentally astounding. One book entitled Kundalini; The Evolutionary Power in Man, documents such an occurrence which takes place in the author of this book. Having pursued various techniques of meditation and yoga, this author was able to unlock this very potential in himself and begin to see his life completely transform over a period of just a few short months.

In our everyday lives, negative emotions are inevitable. We cannot control when they will attack us. This world is such a complex dimension with so many different forces in it, it is almost impossible to eliminate all the negative emotions that present themselves. A beginners effort, however, coupled with an ongoing perseverance, can make a slight change which can eventually transform into something quite amazing.

The importance of learned optimism is related to ethics and the relationship that we have with other people. We are extremely complex organisms who, by our very nature, must typically live with others in order to survive. As human beings, it is our responsibility to live harmoniously with each other and oftentimes this means being exposed to these negative emotions. With an increased level of positive energy, however, many people enjoy extended periods of time in seclusion and have practiced prolonged periods of meditation and yoga which result in very profound changes to their being.Optimism can be learned!

There are strategies available for practice to enhance the development and learning of optimism. These include relaxations therapies, behavioral therapies to increase the rate of pleasant activity, cognitive therapies to teach optimism and coping strategies to find positive meaning in even the most negative of circumstances. These are strategies which optimize the change in us and lead us to greater power and happiness.

In our daily living, we can practice these strategies on our own even without the assistance of a professional therapist. The thing is, we only have ourselves to observe and thereby overcome our emotions. Psychologist suggest that when you feel angry and about to explode, try counting from 1 to 10 and you will notice your anger subside as you feel more relaxed. After this, try to find a positive observation aside from the anger you have felt and make that your motivation to replace your anger with the total opposite emotion. This is how learned optimism is exercised. Though difficult, you can always keep in mind that you are walking a path which will lead to amazing new discoveries that you never thought possible.

Learned optimism is a precious possession and, just like education, no one can take it away from you once you have it. You will be the one controlling your thoughts, your actions and your emotions. By our own optimism, we can touch other people's lives and we can be their inspiration that they require! This can be priceless. Just remember the slogan, 'It's all in your mind' as this may be extremely effective in helping you to learn more optimism. Your mind is a powerful tool in handling your emotions and the counting method helps you to become more relaxed. Either of these two methods can make a world of difference and be extremely effective in helping you to learn more optimism.

Submitted by:

Gary M. Miller

Gary Miller was the World's Leading expert on Negative Thinking until he lost approximately $3 Million Dollars because of a lifetime of negative thinking. To learn more about his Journey to a Positive Thinking Recovery and weekly FREE PositiveThinking techniques, you can visit his web site at:http://www.positivethinkingnow.com



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