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Sarcastic Political T-Shirts Let Activists Make Their Point - Articles SurfingJake Greer and his girlfriend Katelyn Mosley are both wearing sarcastic political t shirts. His says 'Obama Wants My Change ' No New Taxes' while hers reads 'Vote For Social Security Reform ' McCain's going to need it.' The two nineteen year olds make an interesting couple walking hand in hand down the Santa Monica Peer. Katelyn attends San Diego State University while Jake goes to the University of California at San Diego. Their political views are as different as their colleges. They have very different opinions about what the outcome of the 2008 presidential race should be. 'I simply can not believe he'd support four more years of the same,' Katelyn, an English major, says animatedly. 'Obama brings real change for us.' 'Yeah, change,' Jake says pointing to his t shirt. 'He wants all our money for social programs.' Jake is an Economics major. Jake supports the Senator from Arizona which is his own home state. But it's not just local ties that bind. Jake says McCain understands the need to stand up to terrorists. Jake also fears that having both a Democratic Congress and White House will lead to higher taxes. The couple does agree on one thing though. Sarcastic political t shirts are a cool way to express their political differences. 'We keep looking for new ones to mix things up,' Jake says. 'Yeah, when I see one that is really going to make him mad, I buy it right away,' Katelyn says, grinning. Jake has a sarcastic political t shirt that makes Katelyn mad though. It says 'Coming This Fall ' Michelle Obama: Extreme Wife Makeover.' 'He thinks it's funny, but I think it's just sexist. She's a great woman who expresses her opinion. What could be more American than that?' They agree to disagree and Jake says he's mostly retired that t shirt on Katelyn's behalf. Because of advances in technology, there are more t-shirts than ever before ' including the sarcastic political t-shirts Greer and Mosely like. Now t-shirt companies can print only the shirts that are ordered rather than printing and shipping large batches. This gives the graphic artists that design the shirts much more latitude because they have to sell a smaller number before the design becomes profitable. Also, a shirt can be designed and printed quickly. A candidate's gaffe on the campaign trail can make it onto a t-shirt within 30 minutes of its uttering. The campaigns produce t shirts to sell to their supporters, but they tend to be much more conservative. They feature red, white, and blue colors with the candidate's name and sometimes an official slogan. Sarcastic political t shirts sold online can be edgier. They can feature colors not necessarily associated with 'patriotism' and do takeoffs on popular culture references. Sarcastic political t shirts sold online are also cheaper than the ones sold by the candidate with prices ranging from $15 to $25. The cheapest shirt on McCain's official website is $35. That's good news for Katelyn and Jake who are building up quite a collection of sarcastic political t shirts. 'You always have to go back and look at the internet for the shirts because there's always something new,' Katelyn says.
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