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Socialism In The United States - Articles Surfing

One of the reasons for the demise of the Soviet Union and other forms of communism, was because such governments opposed the private ownership of things. The government used socialism to try to control what a person could own or even hope to achieve throughout his or her life.

Initially capitalism was based on the idea that an individual can own what one desires if one chooses to work for it. Under capitalism, a hard worker can hope to prosper and control one's life in any way one chooses.

But instead of the capitalist ideal, it seems the United States of today is more socialist than ever before. Consider the following elements of current American life.

Hospital care is so high that most individual Americans cannot afford to pay for it. So they must depend on their employer ( Corporate America).

The price of colleges and other schools are out of range for most individual Americans. To send their kids to college average people depend on things like college insurance, loans, scholarships, and grants. Another words, the education of most Americans depends on the benevolence of some Corporate or Government Entity.

Most Americans can't afford property, they have to take out mortgages with Corporate Banks. If they pay off their mortgage, they still don't own their property. Taxes have become so high, that, in some cases, it costs more in taxes than if the equivalent property was rented. Whenever the government or some other corporation decides, they can condemn a person's property and have that person forcibly evicted. A new Supreme Court decision was handed down this year (2005) to make it easier for local Government Entities to legally confiscate your property for the common good (Kelo vs New London ).

Family Homes are being replaced by condominiums. This scheme allows you to "own" a unit, but you must pay for the upkeep of the common area where your unit is located.( The individual gives up control of the land his unit is on to some corporate entity. The unit cannot exist without the controlling entity. )

Most Americans can't afford to buy cars with cash, so they must take out a loan with a bank or the auto company's finance service. Years ago a person could save up and make a cash purchase of a new car, but today one can't even buy a decent used car without some form of credit.

Furniture is being rented by some people, because they can't afford to buy it. Practically all new furniture stores offer credit, because they realize most people can't afford cash purchases.

There are so many Federal, State, and Municipal laws (and the number grows every day), that just by being alive a person must be violating some law. If a government or corporate agency felt like it, an individual can be arrested at any time.

High tech tracking has made it hard to maintain your privacy. Soon everyone will be connected to the internet through DSL lines, Cable Modems, or other high speed connections. This type of media maintains connections continuously. Currently an individual can turn his computer off and disconnect from the internet even if he has DSL. The day is coming where it will be against the law to turn off a computer, TV, or any other monitoring device. Americans will be forced to listen to the ravings of Corporate Aliens during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Independent small businesses will soon not exist. Large corporations are either wiping out, merging, or partnering with small business. Even such a basic business as farming is becoming corporate rather than family owned. Soon every business will be either a branch or a partner of a large corporation.

So how socialized is the United States of America? If it continues at this rate it will soon be called the United Socialist States of America (USSA). While dictators like Stalin were trying to force the population of the USSR into submission, the Corporate Aliens launched a quiet invasion, and little by little gained more and more control over the majority of the American people. Unlike the Soviet Union, US socialism is not totally government controlled, but it's a joint effort of both government and corporate entities. What's even worse, is that the entire world is being groomed based on similar principles.

Submitted by:

George Lunt

George Lunt is someone who feels the world is getting too corporate. His writings relate the individual's struggle with big government and big corporations. His website is http://www.corporate-aliens.com. This article is ' George Lunt. All usage of this article must include a citation to the author and a link to corporate-aliens.



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