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Some Inspirational Sayings - Articles Surfing

There are many inspirational sayings that can be found in a great book called A Course in Miracles. The first of these can be found in the introduction of the book which says; 'The opposite of love is fear, but what is all encompassing can have no opposite. This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way: Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.' What this book basically teaches is that fear is just an illusion. We all think that it is extremely rational to fear certain things and to avoid those things that we are afraid of. What we don't realize is that fear is just a cloud that prevents us from experiencing true happiness in our lives.

The lessons in this book can be approached almost like a personal challenge. What soon becomes apparent is that the lessons begin to uncover a lot of hidden fears inside of us that we didn't even know we had. At first you are asked to simply look around the room at the basic objects in the room and repeat a simple phrase to yourself; 'Nothing I see in this room means anything.' The lesson uses a form of reverse psychology on you in that you begin to see how you project many hidden meanings onto the objects in your life. As you repeat this phrase to yourself, you begin to see how you actually do hold certain meanings inside your mind for reach of the objects in your room. Many of these meanings that are being projected onto our lives are fearful ideas that we subconsciously carry around with us and aren't even aware of. Practicing these lessons seems to miraculously bring these hidden projections to the surface of our minds and to allow them to be exposed in the light of day.

A Course in Miracles really can be a surprise for a lot of people who might, upon first glance, think it to be a very odd book which is only meant as some kind of 'trick' to its readers. Actually, it is just a book which is exactly what it claims to be; a course in miracles.

Once you begin to progress through these inspirational saying in the book, you will find that the first twenty lessons are actually the most important lessons in the book. They provide an initial foundational work that must take place inside of you before the rest of the lessons can really have an effect. Lesson number 6 reads 'I am upset because I see something that isn't there' and lesson 8 says 'My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts'. These early lessons help to uncover the hidden projections of your mind so that the later lessons can actually become even more inspirational and can have a greater effect on your life.

Eventually, as you progress through this book, lessons like 'I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts' become more meaningful based on the earlier readings. There is also a very long text that goes with this book which can help to explain the lessons and make them more effective. What">All in all, this is just a great book if you really want to inspire your life to become more than it was. Everybody has a different life so the course works on everyone differently. The only thing required is seriousness and a discipline to stick with it through the entire year of lessons that are outlined. Some people don't take it so seriously the first year and decide to start over and try it again a second time. It really doesn't matter how long you decide to take, if you eventually get serious about it, it will definitely have profound effects on you and change your life around for the better.

It is sometimes very scary in the beginning to try new things. In fact, making a commitment to change ourselves can initially bring up some of our worst fears that we have held deep inside for so long. The book is bringing up more of your subconscious fears for conscious examination and making it possible for you to dispense with them once and for all.

Submitted by:

Gary M. Miller

Gary Miller was the World's Leading expert on Negative Thinking until he lost approximately $3 Million Dollars because of a lifetime of negative thinking. To learn more about his Journey to a Positive Thinking Recovery and weekly FREE Positive Thinking techniques, you can visit his web site at: http://www.positivethinkingnow.com



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