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The Christian Bible Verses Darwin's Evolutionary Theory - Articles Surfing

In Christianity, God's creation of man, and our science of evolution parallels are one in the same to someone that has studied both to some depth.

In Christianity and Judaism, "God's creation of Man," from the "The Book of Genesis" verses the science view on evolution that is now taught in our public schools has no real argument between them, because neither side portrays or explains every detail of evolution. The overall parallels in each are similar when you look at them both to someone that has studied both of them in depth.

In the Christian Bible and the Jewish Torah it states in 'The Book of Genesis,' that 'God created the heavens and earth,' but it does not go into great detail of how this happened, and that this statement is truly portrayed as a metaphor, which most scholars will agree that it is. It only gives the general storyline, but does not offer the exact details as to how all of this came about. 'The Book of Genesis' states that "In the first seven days," (God days, not ours), "God created the heavens and the earth." Science teaches 'The Big Bang Theory,' but does not explain what initiated it, or set it into motion. The scientific view doesn't credit that 'God or a higher power' was the controlling or governing factor in these events. The parallels are the same, just stated differently.

Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines the word Chaos as 'a state of things in which chance is supreme; esp.: the confused unorganized state of primordial matter before the creation of distinct forms.' The science teachings of the first evolutionary creations of life on earth states, 'In the beginning, the first simple celled creatures on the earth were first formed from the geographical coincidence of a particular group of chemical and elemental materials that where in close proximity of each other, and happened to also receive an electrical charge to them, theoretically via a lightning strike or another chemical mixture that was also in close proximity of the chemical and elemental materials that created an electrical charge, and that is what put into motion the first basic life on earth.' These odds of occurrence are mathematically astronomical, but science does not state that, nor states that it takes into account 'The Chaos Theory' between math and real life situations. 'The Book of Genesis' states 'God made Man from the dust of the earth,' but does not explain or go into detail how this came about either.

In 'The Book of Genesis,' it states that "God made the plants, then the creatures of the earth first, before He made man.' Science states that 'with the on-going evolution, higher life forms evolved, through the tenacity of each life form struggling to adapt and survive in its current environment.' 'Some survived and continued to evolve, and others perished in this struggle.' The parallels between these two views are the same, just stated differently, and the scientific view doesn't credit that 'God or a higher power' was the controlling or governing factor in these events, nor does 'The Book of Genesis' state specifically how these events came about as well, it just says that "God made the plants, then the creatures of the earth first, before He made man.'

If one studies evolutionary science, you learn that 'all living things go through a metamorphosis in their evolution on earth, and through metamorphosis there are branches of each species that takes a different path and coarse, and develops at a different rate and design, always attempting to adapt to its environment, in the struggle of survival of that species particular branch.' 'Some do not develop with enough adaptivity to its environment to survive, and others fall prey to cataclysmic changes to the environment and hence become extinct, which ends that species or particular branch of species.'

The true difference between Ape's and Man's chromosomes genetically is very slight, and simply is a mathematical argument that is hard to argue against. The evolutionary physical difference between these branches of this species is that at the point of birth. Science teaches that 'Man's skull is still soft, and it is not fully closed on the top at birth, and then grows together in the following next six months and finally hardens.' 'This process allows for the brain of Man to continue growing past the 9 month gestation period of being in the womb.' 'The Ape's skull cap, on the other hand has already hardened at birth,' which doesn't allow this continual brain growth that Man has; this still doesn't mean that Man didn't evolve from the Ape. It just states 'that in Man's evolutionary mutation from their Ape ancestors, Man adapted to the environment in a slightly different way.' In 'The Book of Genesis' it states that 'God created Man', it just does not give the blow by blow details of how this came about. Some Christians tend to believe that 'God waved his hand, or just had the thought and poof, Man appeared!' The non-religious tend to believe that life developed through conquering the astronomical mathematical odds, and ignoring 'The Chaos Theory' between math and real life situations. That is where the argument starts. Christians, Jews and the non-religious or Darwinists should have no true argument between them in this matter through understanding the Bible, science, and 'The Chaos Theory' between math and real life situations.

Submitted by:

Steven Coffman

Articles interest to a Christian and patriotic way of life are written by Steven E Coffman (Owner) of Family-eStore. I hope that you are enlightened by them. Read more of our articles at:(Family-eStore)



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