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The Golden Compass - Navigates To Nowhere - Articles Surfing

This compass is obviously broken and worthless but with a $150,000,000 budget behind it the producers are hoping no one will notice. Another group that hopes no one will notice it is the parents of millions of American children. Catholic and protestant organizations alike are warning families that it has clear anti-Christ overtones and a message that can only drag young minds further into a media driven pool of emptiness where life is hopeless and the future is bleak.

The cast lineup consists of Nicole Kidman, Dakota Blue Richards, Sam Elliot, Eva Green and Daniel Craig. It is directed by Chris Weitz. Thaindian News reported in a post dated November 25, 2007 from Washington (ANI) that actress Nicole Kidman is 'anxiously praying for the box office success of fantasy movie The Golden Compass so that she can make a sequel.' The forty year old star is undoubtedly unaware that millions of believers are praying for just the opposite.

The Omaha World-Herald November 25, 2007 reported that 'The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights is urging families to boycott the movie and its source books, a trilogy of novels called "His Dark Materials" by British author Philip Pullman, who is a self-professed atheist.'

According to the Baptist Record, a Journal of the Mississippi Baptist Convention November 22, 2007 Pullman said in a 2001 interview, 'I'm trying to undermine the basis of the Christian belief,' and two years later told another newspaper, 'My books are about killing God.'

The Golden Compass is New Line Cinema's offering of the first of a trilogy of anti God movies all based on the Pullmans disdain for God, Christianity and C. S. Lewis' highly acclaimed 'Chronicles of Narnia. The remaining two novels can only get worse.

In the third and final book of the trilogy, one of the films characters is told by the two homosexual angels that the 'Authority' has many names such as El, Adonai, the King and the Father Almighty. For adults who know their bibles the trilogy might seem like a takeoff on dumb, dumber and dumbest but to children whose spiritual wellbeing is at stake the threat is looming and quite real.

Unlike the Da Vinci Code which was transparently spurious Golden Compass has the subtle difference of appeal to youth because of the elaborate and dazzling animated screen play and the fairy tale like fantasy of the story. Pullman uses the ridiculous, unlearned and untrue cry against all the atrocities that have been committed in the name of religion, especially Christianity. Like the historians who were similarly asleep at the wheel in the making of Da Vinci Code, Pullman's view of history is freshmen grade tripe.

The millions who have died across the span of history had their lives snuffed out by despots who were anything but religious. Roman emperors, Greek conquerors, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler and the like were anything but Christian. In fact they were all atheists like Pullman. Unchecked common wisdom of the day may have succeeded in ringing Pullman's bell but under a more scrutinizing eye all that is left for this flick is for someone to hit the gong.

No one church, ministry or minister has of late been able to throw $150 million at a project or an evangelistic effort. Blood has been shed to proclaim the gospel in dozens of countries around the globe, not in ancient times but it is going on at this very moment. It is a price to pay that in Gods eyes is worth far more than the mere pittance thrown at a film by an angry atheistic Britain who doesn't regard the spiritual welfare of youth in either America or Britain.

Jesus warned that offending, weakening or robbing the faith of the young and innocent has dire consequences. (Mt. 18:6) In this day of boldly kicking out the old and flaunting the new whether it is pop fluff or debasing media claptrap, Pullman is yet covered by his 'right' to freedom of speech and expression both in America or Britain. As it applies to him it may seem only appropriate to say nothing. When it becomes a $150,000,000 message thrown at the young to dissuade them from the connection that will determine their eternal destiny he has exercised his 'right' in a way that can only be wrong.

The header of the marquis poster shown in pr spots and in advertisements reads 'There are worlds beyond our own; the compass will show you the way.' The Compass will certainly not live up to that promise either in theatres or in the minds of a huge majority of Americans.

Jesus is not just an 'Authority' which is one of the more common usages in the film for God's name. He is also the Lamb of God who lay down his life for the sheep. (John 10:11) Without a shepherd everyone is just wandering aimlessly around this planet and no contrived, imaginary compass golden or not will substitute for the true guide.

This enduring truth is best said in a stanza of an old and much loved Christian hymn entitled 'Jesus Savior Pilot Me.' This beloved hymn was written by Edward Hooper a former seaman and minister to many of New York's hearty sailors and career mariners. These words first appeared in the 'Sailor's Magazine' published in 1871 but are still sung by the faithful around the world today.

Jesus Savior pilot me, Over Life's tempestuous sea

Unknown waves before me roll; Hiding rock and treacherous shoal

Chart and compass come from thee, Jesus Savior pilot me

Submitted by:

Rev Michael Bresciani

Rev Michael Bresciani is the author of two books and is a columnist for several online and print publications. Visit The Website for Insight to find powerful articles, news, movie reviews and much more from across the USA and around the globe. http://www.americanprophet.org



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