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The Pursuit Of Happiness - Articles Surfing

If you had a choice to be really 'smart' but extremely 'unhappy', what would you choose? What if you had the choice to be 'not so smart' but extremely happy! Would you choose that? Some people would rather be 'smart' than happy. This is unfortunate because, usually, we find out that they weren't really that smart to begin with. In fact, many people believe that happiness is just for 'dummies'. They might tell you that anybody with half a brain can see that the world is full of lots of problems and there really isn't any reason to be incredibly 'happy' about anything. Isn't that true? Actually, it's not.

Some of the smartest people in the world have put happiness ahead of everything else and have recognized that a truly intelligent person first needs to learn how to be happy before they can accomplish anything. It's not such an easy task either. Happiness can oftentimes be extremely hard to come by and takes considerable effort over a long period of time. It is a great accomplishment in itself to be able to say 'I am a truly happy person'.

The great founding forefathers of America, who first wrote up the United States Constitution, were some of the smartest men that ever lived. They were the great inventors and the great scholars who thought long and hard about what was most important in order to build a successful country. These men decided that everybody needed to be able to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in order that the country would prosper and become something great. In fact, even in the face of all their detractors, America has truly grown to become the greatest country that ever existed on the face of the planet.

America produces more wealth than any other country on Earth and is the greatest provider of any place when it comes to the needy and suffering people of the world. Detractors aside, America gives more each year than any other country in the world! The pursuit of happiness, amongst Americans, has produced some of the greatest innovators in history. Bill Gates, for example, is the most wealthy man on the planet. His innovations with computers, along with the development of the Internet, has transformed history and brought millions of people together.

Nobody wants to live a life full of problems, struggles and pain. Nevertheless, some of the smartest people in the world have somehow gotten themselves all confused about what is most important. Somewhere along the line they got themselves angry or depressed or bitter about all the things that life seems to have thrown their way. They decided that they already had all the answers and that they already knew what was right and wrong. The problem is, they never figured out a way to use their giant brain to get themselves happy. How could they ever expect to accomplish anything in life if they weren't happy? The pursuit of happiness has got to be at the top of the list if you ever want to achieve anything great. You can't make anyone more happy if you aren't happy yourself. This is why our American forefathers placed this pursuit of happiness in the most important document they ever wrote. It is essential to success and to a good life.

Happiness is our prerogative and it is something that we have full control over whether we are able to see that or not. We also have the choice to think and feel the way that will give us the happiness we deserve. Crying about the situation that we were born into or the life that seems to have 'accidentally' befallen us will never get us out of the negative attitudes we have created for ourselves. Whether it's something that we gained from other people or something that sprang from within, happiness is something that is essential to our existence and something that should be given a higher priority in life. We are all in search for true happiness and we want it to last us a lifetime. Not only is that possible, it is something we can reach in just a very short time if we really put our minds to it. We have to make the decision to pursue our own happiness and we have to start right now! Make the pursuit of happiness a priority in your life and weed out the negative thoughts that you have. Happiness is your right and it is the right thing for you to find.

Submitted by:

Gary M. Miller

Gary Miller was the World's Leading expert on Negative Thinking until he lost approximately $3 Million Dollars because of a lifetime of negative thinking. To learn more about his Journey to a Positive Thinking Recovery and weekly FREE Positive Thinking techniques, you can visit his web site at: http://www.positivethinkingnow.com



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