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The Secret Of Happiness - Articles Surfing

What does it really take to be happy? The secret is easy. Finding happiness just means knowing that it is completely up to you! This may seem too hard to swallow or something like an impossible task. The fact is, many people don't realize that they have decided upon many things in life that aren't making them happy and they refuse to let go of those things and pursue true happiness for themselves.

Oftentimes we are left with questioning ourselves about whether or not we are truly happy with our lives. We keep on thinking about the things that we have missed or that we don't have. We think about the things that we wanted to have and the problems that we now face almost everyday. When faced with negative thoughts and emotions like these, the first place we need to start is inside ourselves.

In order to see the reality of this secret, we need to learn to sit still and let our thoughts slow down. We need to become experts at watching our mind and our emotions rather than acting on all the negativity inside ourselves. Sitting still with eyes closed each day can be a great place to start to slow down our mind and our emotions and to allow the more positive energy inside us rise to the surface.

Oftentimes, we may feel burdened by the many atrocities we have to live with. From our work and our home to our friends and neighbors, we may see a lot of negativity that has even found its way inside ourselves. This discontentment leads us to ask, 'Why would such a thing happen if there were truly a plan behind everything?' One thing we may find comfort in is the fact that other people could never get any help from us if we hadn't already experienced the bad things that have happened to us. How will we ever be able to sympathize with another if we hadn't seen some troubled times ourselves. In order to bring us all together, it may be necessary that we experience some of the bad things in life first so that we can then rise up and overcome these problems and help someone else in the future.

It's important for us to realize that we can't help anyone until we learn to help ourselves. Oftentimes we fail to recognize how lucky we truly are. We need to slow down to appreciate this and quiet time each day may be just the place to start. It takes a lot of discipline to sit still each day and close your eyes. Many days you might feel too busy or uncomfortable when you sit still. Again, this is because we are often not aware of the many beautiful wonderful things around us and within us. Our minds and hearts have become clouded with the negative. We neglect to appreciate the good and forget to be thankful for the blessings we have.

The mere fact that we are alive and breathing is an amazing miracle. There can never be anything greater than the blessing of Life. It's a splendid gift that we must enjoy and be grateful for. Sitting still each day can help us to learn this. A lot of us tend to complain about our physical defects and fail to see that others less attractive than us have figured out how to be happy without these! Happiness is not an external phenomenon but something that must come from within your state of mind. You have all the reasons in the world to be happy but you aren't able to see it from within. The secret is to recognize the inner power and to pursue it each day when you sit still and watch your thoughts and emotions.

Having a nice career, finding a loving partner and maybe even raising children can all be more than enough to make a person happy. Those things all come, however, from first finding happiness within yourself and learning to spread it to others around you. This is what leads to your success in those other areas and makes your life truly fulfilling. Even small things can bring great happiness when you have the right inner attitude.

True happiness comes from within and it's a feeling that can withstand a whole lot of trouble. The secret of happiness is that the best things in life are free. You won't really be happy with a brand new car for long and all those material things only give a temporary happiness that doesn't last. The secret to happiness is very simple and very basic. It all comes from inside of you and you need to find it in there now before you waste your whole life running from place to place. Happiness is more about sharing and being satisfied with what you have. That is the greatest secret of all.

Submitted by:

Gary M. Miller

Gary Miller was the World's Leading expert on Negative Thinking until he lost approximately $3 Million Dollars because of a lifetime of negative thinking. To learn more about his Journey to a Positive Thinking Recovery and weekly FREE Positive Thinking techniques, you can visit his web site at: http://www.positivethinkingnow.com



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