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The Way To Happiness - Articles Surfing

Are you 100% happy all the time? Of course you aren't! That would be impossible, right? Actually, it's not impossible but it certainly isn't normal. Most people find themselves upset quite often and many people are downright depressed most of the time. If you aren't depressed, you at least feel a lot of worry and anxiety a lot of the time and probably get angry about things quite regularly. What many people are surprised to hear and probably don't believe is that there are some people who are happy almost 100% of the time and it isn't an accident that they feel that way. There is actually a way to happiness that can be found by virtually everyone but it requires an intense desire and a concerted effort to make yourself feel that way each and every day. It isn't impossible and it isn't such a bad idea to think about trying it for yourself!

The journey of life is unpredictable and we don't always know what's waiting for us at the end of it all. Still, since we travel this life only once, why not make the most out of it? Why not make life a little happier than we thought it could be? Don't we have the ability to do that? For many people, this problem seems bigger than it has to be. Being happy doesn't require worldly extravagance or material things. Just finding the time to sit still each day and close your eyes can eventually become the greatest source of happiness you ever imagined. You can be the richest person on earth but still have trouble finding happiness. Being satisfied with whatever you have is really the key to finding that happiness and this can start when you sit still each day and close your eyes.

Just watch as the rush of emotions and thoughts flood your mind and you try to just be content sitting there. Right now, in this moment, you have everything you need and yet your mind will always want to race from this worry to that and from this problem to that. The way to happiness is to practice that sitting still and to eventually watch as your thoughts start to slow down and your emotions start to iron out. Happiness must start from within and through an appreciation of the person that you already are. It's not the way we look or even if others love us or criticize us. It doesn't have to bother you that something isn't done or that something needs to be another way. Learn to be ok with exactly how things are at each and every moment no matter what! That is something that comes from within and that is the way to true happiness. What's inside of you is what matters the most. The more important thing in life is that you live with a clean heart that trusts and believes in the supremacy of happiness to rule over your life. Follow that and you will find the way to happiness. You will be surprised to find that even you can be happy 100% of the time!

A good way to begin is to start learning to be happy with the little details in your life. Catch yourself when you get angry and watch how your mind works like a programmed machine. How long did it take before you forgot that everything was ok just the way it is? You'll need to practice each and every day but this is really the only way to do it. Eventually, you'll end up realizing that you are beginning to count many more good things in life. That will surely make your journey easier and more worthwhile and it will make you a better person to be around. Happiness is our choice and it's what's in our hearts that counts the most. A happy person can withstand even the toughest, most grueling and tiring road of life. It just takes the decision to believe in your own inner power and you can find your way there yourself. You'll be one of those few people who is happy 100% of the time.

Submitted by:

Gary M. Miller

Gary Miller was the World's Leading expert on Negative Thinking until he lost approximately $3 Million Dollars because of a lifetime of negative thinking. To learn more about his Journey to a Positive Thinking Recovery and weekly FREE Positive Thinking techniques, you can visit his web site at: http://www.positivethinkingnow.com



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