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Write Queen Asks If You Need Vitamin D? - Articles Surfing

(For the record, the information for this article came from a periodical I subscribe to on page 9, dated July 15, 2007, Bottom Line Personal, article written by Michael F.Holick of Boston University School of Medicine. You can subscribe to Bottom Line Personal by dialing 800-274-5611. I highly recommend it for sources you can not find elsewhere This is not the complete article and will include my own observations.)

Breakthroughs in studies of vitamin D show it can help prevent cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and more.

People in the southeast have fewer incidences of more than a dozen cancers compared to the northeasterner because they have a lot more sunshine, which is our greatest source of vitamin D.

Active vitamin D fights cancer by (1) slowing or stopping unregulated cell growth, (2) increasing the death rate of cancer cells and (3) reducing blood supply to tumors.

Colon cancer ' Studies have shown people with the highest form of vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitaminD) had a 50% lower risk of colon cancer.

Breast cancer - The same researchers at the University of California found a similar incidence in a study of 1,760 women in tests for breast cancer.

Prostrate cancer ' Researchers at Harvard Medical School observed data from an 18 year study of nearly 15,000 men and found those with low levels of vitamin D had twice the risk of developing aggressive prostrate cancer

Statistical analysis shows that increasing blood levels of vitamin D among Americans could result in 185,000 fewer cancers every year and 30,000 fewer deaths.

Vitamin D may help keep blood pressure low by regulating the kidney's production of rennin, an enzyme that controls the relaxation and constriction of arteries.

Low levels of vitamin D can cause and worsen osteoporosis, the bone-eroding disease that often leads to hip fracture. Approximately one in three elderly men and one in five women with hip fractures die within a year, and more than half the women being treated for this disease were found to have low levels of vitamin D.

Those people over 65 with the lowest level of vitamin D had the worst balance and least strength according to the April 2007 Journal of Gerontology. Elderly residents of a nursing home were given either 800 international units (IU) of vitamin D or a placebo and those taking the vitamin D had 72% fewer falls.

The Journal of the American Medical Association reported in December 20, 2006 that veterans with the highest level of vitamin D had a 62% lower risk of developing MS.

Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to type 2 (adult onset) diabetes. There is evidence that active vitamin D increases insulin production.

Taking a daily vitamin D supplement of 1,000 IU is the easiest way to main healthy blood levels of vitamin D.

You can increase your vitamin D by eating foods fortified with vitamin D but I must insert a warning that the author included in the text.

Beware: A study shows that many cartons of milk contain less than 50% of the vitamin D listed on the label. Vitamin D-fortified orange juice, breakfast cereals and bread are more likely to contain the labeled amount.

I hope that you received as much information from this article as I did.

Reprinted with permission:

This article will be reprinted, without compensation, in several ezines on the Internet. I am a freelance author and my goal is to put articles on the Internet to inform and/or entertain the readers. Distribution of this particular article will commence once permission is granted, will continue indefitely.

Bottom Line/ Personal`Boardroom, Inc.
281Tresser Blvd, 8th Floor
Stamford, CT 06901

Submitted by:

Freda Douglas

'The article author is Freda Douglas. P. O. Box 155, Eva, AL 35621, 'Telephone 256-796-0651, email gloryb2u@fredadouglas.com http://www.BottomLineSecrets.com



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